Special needs

Important and Influential Legislation That Impacted Special Needs Service

  • Public Law 88-164

    Public Law 88-164
    Initiative by president Joh F. Kennedy who was influenced by his sister's intellectual disability. This law authorized funds for training professionals who work with special needs children.
  • Public Law 93-112

    Public Law 93-112
    Section 504 of the Rehabilitaion Act.
    This legislation provides for equal access to programs and services for people with disabilities. It states that they cannot be denied participation in activites or programs soely because of their disabilities. The law also broadens the definition and protection to include students with failing grades, suspension, or chronic behavioral problems.
  • Public Law 94-142

    Public Law 94-142
    Federal government accepted responsibility for providing support and resources for children with disabilities.The law was designed to assure that all handicapped children have available to them a free appropriate public education which emphasized special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs.
  • Public Law 99-457

    Public Law 99-457
    Education for All Handicapped Children Act was changed to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. (IDEA). This legislation allocated federal funds for the states to develop plans and programs for children and their families from birth. This legislation also stated that parents are entitiled to assist in developing the IEP, students are entitled to public education and are entitled to nondiscriminatory assesment procedures.
  • Public Law 101-336

    Public Law 101-336
    Americans with Disabilities Act.
    This law extended the civil rights to persons with disabilites.
  • Public Law 107-110

    Public Law 107-110
    No Child Left Behind.
    This legislation impacts all children and a special impact on children with disabilities. NCLB requires schools to present data to prove their effectiveness. The schools are held accountable and funds can be withdrawn at any time, if they do not meet the NCLB standards.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. IDEA 2004

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. IDEA 2004
    This act is a reautorized verison on the basic legislation. Its major changes addressed the quality of the personnel, the IEP standards and that the transition services must be addressed in the IEP at age 16 and younger.