Images 6

Imperialism Timeline

  • Period: to


  • Philippine Insurrection

    Philippine Insurrection
    The Philippine Insurrection was a war between the US and Philippines. This was a cause of America wanting to own the Philippines.
  • Hay-Banau-Varilla Treaty

    Hay-Banau-Varilla Treaty
    A treaty giving the US permission to create a canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacific. This showed US expansion into Latin America.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    An addiion given to the Monroe Doctrine by Theodore Roosevelt. This added proposition stated that the US can use military force in Latin America while Europe can't.
  • US occupation of Dominican Republic

    US occupation of Dominican Republic
    The Dominican Republic goes bankrupt and is in danger of being invaded. The US took over the Domincan Republic's customs organization.
  • Cuban Intervention

    Cuban Intervention
    After Cuban president Palmas disappointed hsi followers because of a rigged election, revolution broke out. The US under the Platt Amendment sent troops to restore order.
  • Great White Fleet

    Great White Fleet
    A nickname given to a US fleet that circumnavigated the globe. Roosevelt gave this order to show the world US growing power.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    A passage that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through a series of locks. This showed American engineering and prowess.