imperialism ah

  • Napoleonic Wars

    Napoleonic Wars
    The napoleonic wars had to do with French conquest spreading ideas of the French Revolution. It also included modern legal system, and the HRE. This was to stimulate rise of nationalism.
  • Slave trade

    Slave trade
    Britain causes slave trade to be criminal. The Slave Trade Act of 1807 is formed and the united states is still criminalizing slave trade at the same time.
  • Defeat of Napolean

    Defeat of Napolean
    After Napoleon is defeated the Congress of Vienna is made. The Congress of Vienna was meant to restore what was ruined during the French conquests and bring back the old monarchs. Russia enters as a power factor in european affairs.
  • European trde with africa

    European trde with africa
    The trading between Europe and Africa had part in the creation on the Berlin confrence. King Leopold II realized that there were many raw materials that were needed. He decided to divided up Africa between the European nations.