
By egd7460
  • Citizenship

    In 1790, Congress passed a law defining who could become a citizen. If a person was not born in the United States, then citizenship was only possible for a free white person. This restricted any African or Asian immigrant from becoming a citizen of the U.S.
  • The Irish Potato Famine

    The Potato Famine drove many people of Ireland to America. This famine was caused by a disease that killed crops. More than one and a half million people came from Ireland to America because of hunger and disease.
  • Henderson vs The Mayor of New York Court Case Decision

    The Henderson vs Mayor of NewYork case decision said that the states were not allowed to regulate immigration tax. The supreme Court said it was unconstitutional.
  • Chinese Exculsion Act

    Congress passed the first major law that barred entrance to specific groups because of the California Gold Rush and railroad building that attracted immigrants. Chinese men made up most of the railroad workforce and Californians began to rally against the Chinese immigrants. Congress responded by passing this act that stated that no Chinese laborer could enter the U.S. for 10 years, and this act stayed in force until WWII.
  • The Contract Labor Law

    The Contract Labor Law was the first law that allowed people to recruit workers from foreign countries.
  • Asiatic Barred Zone

    Congress issued the Asiatic Barred Zone, which restricted all immigration from any Asian countries
  • Japanese cannot become Citizens

    In 1922, a law was established that said that Japanese people could not obtain citizenship in the United States
  • Border Patrol

    The United States Border Patrol was established in 1924 to protest and watch our nation's borders.
  • Operation Wetback

    Operation Wetback was a deportation of many Latin Americans from America. The operation, originally supported by legal Hispanic-Americans, soon proved to be too radical for anyone's liking. Many of the people deported died from sunstroke or lack of water.
  • Immigration and Nationality Act

    The Immigration and Nationality Act said that Nationality could no longer be a factor when deciding on immigration or citizenship.
  • Immigration Reform and Control Ac

    The immigration and Reform and Control act penalizes employers for knowingly hiring immigrants. This law gave amnesty to some undocumented immigrants and allowed them the eventually apply for citizenship.
  • Immigration Act

    Congress wanted to make up immigrants from one country didn't make up most of the total immigrants coming to the U.S. This act said that no country could account for more than 7% of total immigrants.
  • The USA Patriot Act

    The USA Patriot Act created more restrictions for who could immigrate and who could become a citizen. It made ineligible people suspected to be involved in terrorist organizations.
  • Immigration Issues

    In 2007, President George W. Bush committed himself to backing a bill to address all immigration issues. This bill proposed to fill short-term labor needs through a guest worker program and strengthen border control. This bill would have fined undocumented immigrants and required them to fulfill obligations before they could become a citizen.
  • Donald Trump's Immigration Ban

    Donald Trump issued a complete halt on immigration from 6 foreign nations. The ban was an attempt to block out Islamic terrorists. Many saw it as a ban on Muslims. Controversially the ban did not include those from Iraq. The Act was struck down in federal court.