Industrial Revolution

  • A new banking system

    A new banking system
    In Britain, expansion had led to new a new money economy, and trading organizations such as the Hanseatic League.
  • Financial Situations

    Financial Situations
    What were the situations by supporting the Industrial Revolution?
  • A stable environment

    A stable environment
    The steady economic systems present under the new national monarchies created a atmosphere.
  • Why was Britain First?

    Why was Britain First?
    Why was Britain the first country to industrialize? This change, which occurred between 770 and 1890.
  • large amount of capital for investment

    large amount of capital for investment
    From the New World had come gold and silver, which in less than a century more than doubled European prices and stimulated economic activity, which in turn gave the wealthy more money to spend.
  • Capitalism

    Theof Adam Smith, or the was another important new economic system and gave the people a desire to further the industrialization and gain money.
  • Enclosure

    Although serfdom in England had disappeared by the end of the century, most farms were established on which local farmers typically leased from a wealthy proprietor who owned large areas of land in a district
  • The Cottage Industry

    The Cottage Industry
    At the dawn of the eighteenth century, farming was the primary in England, with at least 80%of the population making its living off the world.
  • Embargo Act of 1807.

    Embargo Act of 1807.
    Of the many factors that led to the Industrial Revolution, two of the biggest and most significant were the Embargo Act of 1807 and the War of 1812. President Thomas Jefferson set the Embargo Act of 1807 during the Napoleonic Wars. During the Napoleonic Wars, Britain's navy had seized Americans and their cargo to help with their war. In the Chesapeake area, Britain's navy opened fire when they weren't allowed to search one of America's ships. At the time, America was neutral.
  • Growing Industrialization.

    Growing Industrialization.
    The real impetus for America entering the Industrial Revolution was the passage of the Americans were upset over an incident with the Chesapeake whereby the British opened fire on the ship when they were not allowed to search it. They seized four Americans, impressing them into service, and they hung one for desertion. This resulted in much public outrage and the passage of the Embargo Act that stopped the export of American goods and effectively ended the import of goods from other nations..