Humanities Final

  • 2500 BCE

    Literature Poetry

    Literature Poetry
    Poetry is a creative awareness of experience expressed through meaning, sound, and rhythmic language choices to induce an emotional response. Some poetry has been known to rhyme, but it does not need to. What poetry attempts to accomplish is a way of gaining perspective on an experience. In this way emotions can be gathered, then passionately relived, translated, and absorbed in the entirety of the poem. It shows important expression of emotions, deep feelings and the beauty about the world.
  • 2000 BCE

    Religion Judaism

    Religion Judaism
    This is the oldest monotheistic religion. Judaism includes the religion, philosophy, culture, and they way of life of the Jewish people. Their religion text is known as the Toarh. The message of Judaism is a commitment of the Jewish people to a single God who is the creator and ruler of the universe. Judaism came up with the idea of monotheism and also started the belief of the workweek with the weekend. Another important idea is they accomplished a multilevel court system.
  • 622 BCE

    Religion Islam

    Religion Islam
    Islam is the religion of Muslims and they believe in one God known Allah as told by the Prophet Muhammad. The religious text is known as the Quran. Muhammad reciting what God told him created the Quran and Muhammad’s scribes would write down what he said. Islam is one of the largest religion in the world and it also one of the fastest growing. Another reason why Islam is important is because of its role and politics, way of life, and shaping cultural landscape.
  • 534 BCE

    Performing Art Theater

    Performing Art Theater
    Theater originated from Ancient Greece and has been ongoing ever since. This form of art uses live performers, typically actresses or actors. They present the experience of a real or imaged event before a live audience in a specific place often a stage. It teaches us how to express ourselves more successfully. This helps to grow communication, feelings, and thoughts with other people improving our relationships.
  • 475 BCE

    Philosophy Metaphysics

    Philosophy Metaphysics
    Metaphysics is the study of existence and the foundation of a worldview. The philosophic study of existence is known as metaphysic. It was founded to determine if the world was real or merely an illusion. This study is important because without explanation or interpretation of the world around us we could not deal with reality. The more our metaphysical worldview is correct equals the more we comprehend the world. Without this solid foundation all knowledge can be suspect.
  • 384 BCE

    Philosophy Epistemology

    Philosophy Epistemology
    Epistemology it is the theory of knowledge especially with regard to its method, validity, and scope. The investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion. This involves how our minds are related to reality, and whether these relationships are valid or invalid. It is trying to accomplish a deeper understanding of all of the knowledge we have if we think it is. This is important because without it we would not be able to think.
  • Jan 1, 1495

    Visual Art The Last Supper

    Visual Art The Last Supper
    It was a meal Jesus ate with disciples before his betrayal and arrest. It is a communion memorial to Jesus’s death and blood shed. He broke bread and gave thanks to God. What the Last Supper is trying to show is that one of the disciples is going to betray Jesus. This is important because the effects of Jesus’s words can be seen in the painting.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Performing Art Ballet

    Performing Art Ballet
    Ballet originated from the Italian Renaissance. This is a highly technical form of dance and it does have its own vocabulary. The dancers require a tremendous amount of training. This was developed to tell a story or express mood through movements and by being accompanied by music. This was done to entertain important Nobel men and women during this time period. They were performed at lavish events, like weddings. Ballet is an important form of art used to entertain individuals.
  • History Louisiana Purchase

    History Louisiana Purchase
    For 15 million dollars the U.S. Purchased Louisiana from France. The U.S. wanted to buy New Orleans to keep the port open. France agrees to sell the whole Territory to raise money for their impending war between Britain. This is important because it averted a possible war between America and France over the French blocking of the port.
  • Literature Moby Dick

    Literature Moby Dick
    The story by Herman Melville is centered on Ahab and his obsession with a huge whale named Moby Dick. This whale took Ahab’s leg years before. Ahab desires to kill the whale and he will sacrifice everything even his life and others so he can defeat his opponent Moby Dick. Melville used a personnel experience to help create the story. He used two real life events dealing with ships and whales colliding. This story is important because it teaches people to keep on persevering and do not give up.
  • Visual Art The Starry Night

    Visual Art The Starry Night
    The Starry Night depicts the whirling clouds, shinning stars, and a bright crescent moon. The swirling sky depicts the viewer’s eye of the painting. Van Gogh depicts hope and that there is a light to guide one. Starry Night also shows the power of nature and the church spire in the cypress tree, which represents man and nature, both pointing to the heavens. This is important because Van Gogh continued to make memorable art despite of his mental status.This is one of his most famous pieces.
  • History Manhattan Project

    History Manhattan Project
    Manhattan Project was the exploration and expansion undertaking during World War II that created the first nuclear weapons. This was led by the United States with the backing of the United Kingdom and Canada. It was feared the Germans might get the weapon first thus this creation. It unlocked the mystery of the atom to produce the most destructive weapon ever known to warfare. The importance of this was to end the conflict with Japan before the Allies were forced into Japan.