Hugo Chavez

  • Hugo Chavez's birth

    Hugo Chavez's birth
    Hugo Chavez was born July 28, 1954. He was born in Sabaneta, Barinas, Venezuela. He was raised in venezuela and his parents names were, Hugo de los Reyes, and Elena Frais de Chaves . Hugo grew up with 6 siblings, all boys.
  • Baseball Career

    Baseball Career
    In 1971 Chávez entered the Venezuelan Military. He joined not because he wanted to be a soldier, but he wanted to go there because they had really good baseball coaches and programs.
  • Court

    He was supposed to got to jail for about 30 years, but he never showed up to his court trial. He was supposed to go to jail because of botched coup against President Carlos Andres Perez. However he was sentenced to 2 years in prison. This was in 1992.
  • President of Venezuela

    President of Venezuela
    On December 6, 1998, Chávez was elected president. He won by 56 percent of the votes. Chávez resigned on April 12, because of a shooting controversy between police and protesters. This must have stressed him out too much. He was elected a 6 year term.
  • Protest

    April 11, 2002, many people marched for his resignation. This protest broke out into a huge fight with military and police involved. They did succeed in what they wanted, but later he came back to being president.
  • Banning Halloween

    Banning Halloween
    In October, 2005 Hugo wanted to ban Halloween, He wanted this because he thought of it as a holiday of terror and he complained that it was putting fear into his own people.
  • Presidency

    December 3, 2006 he was re-elected president of Venezuela. He won the election by 63 percent of the votes.
  • Cancer

    June 10, 2011 Hugo underwent surgery. His surgery was located in Cuba. The surgery was for pelvic abscess. The surgery was caused by his cancer, because he had pelvic cancer.
  • Cancer free

    Cancer free
    October 20, 2011 Hugo Chavez declares he is free of cancer. He admits this after four rounds of chemotherapy. Also many surgeries helped him to become cancer free.
  • Death

    He died March 5th, 2013. He passed away at age of cancer. He passed away at the age of 58.