

By oyisg4
  • Larned about volcano

    I learned about volcano in Bill Nye the science guy.
  • Learned about earthquake

    I learned about earth quake in Bill Nye the science guy.
  • What did we do?

    We changed the word easier to explain the word easier. And, we wrote the lot of word of natural disaster.
  • What will we study?

    We wii study about natural disaster, and how to protect our selves from natural disaster.
  • Period: to

    What did we do?

    We changed the word easier to explain to grade 1 and 2. And, we wrote a lot of word of natural disaster.
  • What did I do?

    I watched the movie about tsunami and taked a note. Because we should learn about that in this UOI. We made a market plan of international festilval. Because we will sell something in international festival.
  • Researching for the earth's crust reflection.

    What was your topic?

    How much time did you have? 80minuts.
    What part of the inquiry cycle were you on? finding out.
    What were your question? About the earth structure.
    What went well? We seprated our job and sometime, we helped each other.
    What do I need to work on? i think I need to think about the question more when I couldn't understand the question's meaning.
  • What did I do?

    What did I do?: I searched about earth's structure to answer my question.
    What do I need to work on?: I need to care about our time. Because I couldn't care about our time and just did by my pase.