
World War 2 project

By jsinon
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany
    This is when Hitler came to power and when he started to make his pro-war movement a real thing.
  • Hitler Invades Austria

    Hitler Invades Austria
    This is when Hitler and his troops invaded Austria. Austria gladly being with the Germans. Therefore, the Germans annexed Austria.
  • Hitler Invades Czechoslovakia

    Hitler Invades Czechoslovakia
    This is when Hitler invades Czechoslovakia. This is kind of the stepping stones in the start of the war.
  • Hitler Invades Poland With the Soviets

    Hitler Invades Poland With the Soviets
    This is when Hitler and Stalin invaded Poland. However, the Allied Powers said that if Hitler invades Poland, war will be coming. Hitler did not want to fight a war on two fronts so, he invaded Poland with Stalin. They both signed a pact, so they could both invade Poland together.
  • Hitler Invades Denmark and Norway

    Hitler Invades Denmark and Norway
    Hitler had Denmark and Norway giving them iron, so when the Allies tried to stop Denmark and Norway from shipping iron. He had to do something. Therefore, he invaded Denmark and Norway.
  • Dunkirk

    This is when the Germans closed in the French and British troops. Therefore, the men were put on ships (on the coast of Dunkirk) and sailed to England.
  • Hitler Invades France

    Hitler Invades France
    This is when Germany took over France. What the Germans couldn't do in WWI, Hitler just did. However, his plan did not go according. He thought that the British would surrender after he took France. They didn't though.
  • Axis Powers Officially Together

    Axis Powers Officially Together
    This is when Japan, Italy, and Germany signed the Tripartite Pact. This pact said that the three countries could not invade each other and can aid each other.
  • Holocaust Starts

    Holocaust Starts
    This is when German Forces tortured Jewish people. Hitler tortured people who were Jewish, if they didn't have blue eyes, and if they were on the Allies side. Also, it was illegal to hide Jews in your house.
  • Italy and Germany Invade Yugoslavia

    Italy and Germany Invade Yugoslavia
    This is when Mussolini and Hitler decide to invade Yugoslavia. They did this to stop some British Soliders there from bombing their naval bases.
  • Hitler Attacks Russia

    Hitler Attacks Russia
    This is when Hitler tried to invade Russia. He sent over 3 million soldiers into Russia and over 3,000 tanks. The Russians were shocked that the Germans broke the pact they signed.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    This is when Japan bombed the naval bases in Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor is a harbor off the coast of Hawaii. This made the U.S. join the war.
  • America Joins the War

    America Joins the War
    This is literally a day after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. This was a big "Ouchee!" for the Americans. Therefore, they had to join the war. They declared war on Japan on December, 8 1941
  • Hirohito Invades Singapore

    Hirohito Invades Singapore
    This is when Japan invaded Singapore. Japan wanted more countries so, they could win the war. However, this makes them more vulnerable to attacks. They took many Singapore citizens for prisoner.
  • Allies Try to get Axis Powers Out of Africa

    Allies Try to get Axis Powers Out of Africa
    This is when the Allies try to push the Axis Powers out of Africa. They landed in Algeria and gradually squeeze in the Axis Powers.
  • Axis Surrender in Africa

    Axis Surrender in Africa
    This is when the Allies successfully push out the Axis Powers.
  • Allies Invade Italy

    Allies Invade Italy
    This is when the Allies invade Sicily, Italy. The Allies tried to push the Axis Powers up. About 2 months later, the Allies successfully take Sicily, Italy.
  • Italy Surrenders

    Italy Surrenders
    This is when Italy surrenders. They had a small military. Therefore, they thought that if they surrender now, their economy might not go down as much.
  • D-Day

    This is D-Day or Dooms-Day. This is when the Allies land on the beaches of Normandy. The Allies worked really hard to plan this invasion. They planted a fake solider on one of the beaches on the Southern side of France. Therefore, the Germans thought that the Allies would be landing there. They didn't, instead they landed on the beaches of Normandy. BOOM surprise
  • Holocaust Ends

    Holocaust Ends
    This is when the Holocaust stops.
  • Mussolini Dies

    Mussolini Dies
    This is when Benito Mussolini was captured and killed by the Allies.
  • Hitler Dies?

    Hitler Dies?
    This is when Hitler died, or did he? There are many theories that Hitler either committed suicide or flew away to Spain.
  • German Forces Surrender

    German Forces Surrender
    This is when the German Forces fall apart because of the disappearance of Hitler.
  • VE- Day

    VE- Day
    VE- Day or Victory in Europe Day is when all war in Europe ceases. Hip Hip Hooray!
  • Holocaust Ends

    Holocaust Ends
    This is the date that the Holocaust ends. All Jewish people were set free.
  • Hiroshima Bomb Dropped

    Hiroshima Bomb Dropped
    This is when the Manhattan Project goes into full effect. The Japanese Troops were brainwashed to never give up. Therefore, Truman thought outside of the box. Wait no, he blew up the box.
  • Nagasaki Bomb Dropped

    Nagasaki Bomb Dropped
    This is when the second part of the Manhattan Project goes into full effect. The two bombs killed over 80,000 people.
  • VJ- Day

    VJ- Day
    VJ- Day or Victory in Japan Day is when the war stops. This is when all war in Japan ceases. This is also the end to the war. yass