
  • Adolf Hitler is appointed

    Adolf Hitler is appointed
    Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany a nation with a Jewish population of 566,000.
  • Reichstag

    Nazis burn Reichstag building to create crisis atmosphere
  • enabling act

    enabling act
    German Parliament passes Enabling Act giving Hitler dictatorial powers.
  • nazi party

    Nazi Party is declared the only legal party in Germany; Also, Nazis pass Law to strip Jewish immigrants from Poland of their German citizenship.
  • hitler as president

    German President von Hindenburg dies. Hitler becomes Führer.
  • kristallnacht

    Nazis fine Jews one billion marks for damages related to Kristallnacht
  • moving jews

    Jews lose rights as tenants and are relocated into Jewish houses.
  • isolation of jews

    • Proclamation by Hitler on the isolation of Jews.