Holocaust Unit

  • Treaty of Versailles

    The Germany had to sign treaty so then they lost land, lost military, and then had to pay to winners.
  • Hyper Inflation

    Price of bread. Prices rising very fast.
  • Beerhall Putsch

  • Hitler on trial

  • Anne Frank is born

    Anne Frank is born
  • Reichstag fire

  • Hitler becomes chancellor of germany

    Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany. The supposed one thousand year Reich had started
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    The holocaust was a incident were people called Nazis killed 11 million people of all races. But they mostly killed the Jewish.
  • Nuremberg Laws

  • Kristallnacht

    It was known as The Night of the Broken Glass.
  • Germany Invades Poland

  • Ghettos

    Nazis begin rounding up millions of Jews and confining them to Ghettos
  • Euthanasia program Begins

    Systemic killing of those Germans whom the Nazis deemed" unworthy of life" because of mental illness or physical disability.
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    World War 2

  • Death Camps

  • Wannsee Conference

    Nazi Leaders approve the "FINAL SOLUTION" or plan to EXTERMINATE THE JEWS.
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    Mobile Killing Squads or "Action Kommandos"
  • Anne Franks family goes into hiding

    Anne Franks family goes into hiding
    Anne frank went into hiding so she and her family would not get caught be the Nazi's.
  • Mr. Dussel moves into the secret annex

    Mr. Dussel is a cranky person. Every one was concerned that there was not going to be enough food.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    Residents smuggled weapons in. Uprising lasted about a month. SS troops arrested and deported residents after the uprising ended.
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    Camp Rebellions

    Prisoners fought back at death camps. After stealing weapons from guards, prisoners tried to escape. Most were killed but a few dozen made it out and survived the war.
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    Death Marches

    Allies advancing towards death camps. Nazis evacuate prisoners, march them into Germany to avoid capture. Brutal treatment and harsh conditions along the way.
  • Secret Annex is discovered and captured by Nazis.

    How they got caught by the Nazis is a man named Carl ratted them out to the Nazis and they got taken by them.
  • Liberation of Concentration camps

    Soviet soldiers were the first to liberate concentration camp prisoners in the final stages of the war.
  • Liberation

    Camps throughout Europe liberated by Allied forces.
  • Displation peoples camps

  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide rather than face capture by the Soviet Red Army.
  • Anne’s death is confirmed to Otto Frank

    The last few months of Anne's life was bad because she got sick. She got a disease that caused her to die.
  • Mr. Frank returns to the annex and finds Anne’s Diary

    Mr. Frank returns and finds that every one is gone and Meip gave him Anne's diary. Why it was meaningful is because it was all that was left from Anne.
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    Nuremberg trials

    The Allies and the International Community pit a number of Germans on trial for War Crimes, Crimes Against Peace and Crimes Against Humanity. Majority of Nazis were found guilty.
  • What happened to the survivors

    Displaced Persons Camps. Areas for former prisoners to stay while searching for family and a permanent place to live.