Schindlers list holocaust 1108x0 c default


  • Nazi party wins

    Nazi party wins
    The Nazi Party wins 230 seats in German parliamentary elections, becoming the largest party represented.
  • Anti-Jewish boycott

    Anti-Jewish boycott
    Members of the Nazi Party and its affiliated organizations organize a nationwide boycott of Jewish-owned businesses in Germany.
  • Rohm Affair

    Rohm Affair
    Hitler orders the purge of the top leadership of the SA, the Nazi Party paramilitary formation.
  • Ban on Jehovah’s Witness Organizations

    Ban on Jehovah’s Witness Organizations
    Revision of Paragraphs 175 and 175a facilitates the systematic persecution of homosexual men in Nazi Germany.
  • Olympic Games Open in Berlin

    Olympic Games Open in Berlin
    The Nazi dictatorship camouflages its racist, militaristic character while hosting the Summer Olympics.
  • Buchenwald Concentration Camp Opens

    Buchenwald Concentration Camp Opens
    Buchenwald becomes one of the largest concentration camps established within the old German borders of 1937.
  • German Annexation of Austria

    German Annexation of Austria
    German troops invade Austria and incorporate Austria into the German Reich in what is known as the Anschluss.
  • Reichstag Speech

    Reichstag Speech
    Hitler declares that the outbreak of war would mean the end of European Jewry.