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History Timeline

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  • Period: to

    United States Civil War

  • Lincoln Gave His Copper Union Speech

    Lincoln Gave His Copper Union Speech
    Lincoln gave his Copper Union speech was his point of view on slavery. He spoke out about how he disliked slavery and wanted to abolish it not expanding it further into the new western territories.
  • Pony Express

    Pony Express
    The Pony Express was a source of communication. It delivered much mail and news through stagecoach, it made it fatser to get a delivery during the Civil War because it only took 10 days to deliver.
  • 1860 Presidential Election

    1860 Presidential Election
    The presidential election of 1860 was an important election because that was when Araham Lincoln became the president by popular vote, against Hannibal Hamlin.
  • Abraham Lincoln is Elected

    Abraham Lincoln is Elected
    Abraham Lincoln is elected as the 16th President of the United States. He was a Republican President and wants to abolish slavery for good.
  • Senator James Chesnut Jr Withdraws From State

    Senator James Chesnut Jr Withdraws From State
    Senator James Chesnut Jr was the senator of Camden, South Carolina he was a lawyer and politician. He was a Democratic senator and was the first southern senator to officially withdraw from the senate.
  • Senator James Henry Hammond Resigns

    Senator James Henry Hammond Resigns
    Senator Hames Henry Hammond was the senator of South Carolina and was senator/representative from 1857 to 1860. He was an importants attorney, planter and politician.
  • Georgia Legislature Armed Their State

    Georgia Legislature Armed Their State
    Georgia's legislature had a bill appropriating almost $1,000,000 to give the proper weapons and arm/equipe as a law for Georgia. To keep them protected as a state during the battles.
  • First Secsession Convention

    First Secsession Convention
    The First Secsession Convention met in Columbia, South Carolina.
  • The Crittenden Compromise Unsuccessfulness

    The Crittenden Compromise Unsuccessfulness
    On December 18, 1860 the Crittenden Compromise was an unsuccessful attempt at permantley keeping slavery in the United States. To make it unconstitutional for any form of congress to end slavery. This was a filed attmpt however, and it was introduced by John J. Crittenden.
  • South Carolina is First State to Secede

    South Carolina is First State to Secede
    South Carolina was the first state to secede from the union.
  • Six Other States Seede

    Six Other States Seede
    After South Carolina six other Southern states secede from the union. The order it follows is Missisipe, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Caolina and Tennesse.
  • Confederate States of America is Formed

    Confederate States of America is Formed
    The Confederate States of America was formed by having representatives from Southern States that seceded meet in Montgomery, Alabama to officially form the CSA. The states included South Carolina, Mississpip, Florida, Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana. They wanted to fight to not abolish slavery.
  • Jefferson Davis

    Jefferson Davis
    Jefferson Davis was made the president of the Confederate states of America. This desicion was made when the States met in Montgomery, Alabama and Davis was elected to the position until they could hold proper elecetions. He was the first and only president of the CSA.
  • Lincoln is Inagurated

    Lincoln is Inagurated
    Abraham Lincoln is inagurated and becomes the official 16th president of the United States in Washington, D.C.
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    The Battle of Fort Sumter was the opening battle for the Civil War's beging. On April 12, 1861 in Charleston, South Carolina the Confederte troops had a suprise attack on the union troops.
  • Southern Forces At Fort Sumter

    Southern Forces At Fort Sumter
    The Southern/Confederate forces fired at Fort Sumter in South Carolina. The beinging of the Civil War and the opener. No one was killed but, it was the start to the bloodiest war in history.
  • President Lincoln Issues A Proclimation.

    President Lincoln Issues A Proclimation.
    On April 15, 1861 President Abraham Lincoln was trying to recruit more troops, so he issued for a proclimation for the state malitias. Lincoln wants to stop the rebellion and rounded up 75,000 troops.
  • Union Forces Cross Potamic River

    Union Forces Cross Potamic River
    The Union forces crossed the Potamic River a few days after Virginia ratified the states decision to secede from the Union. The Colonel Elsworth was shot and died after his troops entered in Alexandra Virginia.
  • First Interation of Union and Confederate Troops

    First Interation of Union and Confederate Troops
    In a town called Philippi in West Virginia where the Union troops cannoned at the Confederate troops, and hit their tents. It was one of the first clashes between the union and confederate troops in the Civil War.
  • Battle of Big Bethel

    Battle of Big Bethel
    Located in the Virginia Peninsula and it was a Confederate victory. It is important because they had a feeling that the battle would be short.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First Battle of Bull Run
    The first Battle of Bull Run occured in Mansanas, Virginia and is known as the first major battle of the civil war. A Union victory, with 3,000 casualties and 1,750 Confederates.
  • Battle of Wilson's Creek

    Battle of Wilson's Creek
    The Battle of Wilson's Creek, Missouri was a Confederate victory. After the Confederates counterattcked on the Union soldiers three times they came up with a win. It gave Confederats a control over the southwestern Missouri.
  • Battle of Wilsons Creek

    Battle of Wilsons Creek
    The Battle of Wilsons Creek in Missouri was one of the first major battles in Missouri and was a Confederate victory. It gave the Confederates control of southwest Missouri.
  • Fort Hatteras

    Fort Hatteras
    Fort Hatteras in Cape Hatteras, North Carolina is falling into the Unions naval forces.
  • Battle of Balls Bluff

    Battle of Balls Bluff
    The Battle of Balls Bluff in Virginia, where Colonel Edward D. Baker led the Union troops to the Potamic River.
  • Battle of Mills Springs, Kentucky

    Battle of Mills Springs, Kentucky
    The Battle of Mills Springs, Kentucky was a Union victory outcome. It made the Confederates weaker in holding down the state.
  • Battle of Fort Henery

    Battle of Fort Henery
    The Battle of Fort Henery was another major battle in the Civil War. It gave the Union control over Western and middle Tennesee and some of Kentucky.
  • Battle of Roanoke Island

    Battle of Roanoke Island
    The Battle of Roanoke Island, North Carolina was a Union victory. The Union General Ambrose Burnside won after his troops capture Roanoke Island. It is important because many Confederate soldiers surrendered.
  • Battle of Fort Donelson

    Battle of Fort Donelson
    The Battle of Fort Donelson in Tennesee where the Union forces captured the Confederates on the border of Tennesee and Kentucky, which then opened up the Cumberland River and allowed for the Unions success.
  • Surrender of Fort Donelson

    Surrender of Fort Donelson
    In Tennesee at the Battle of Fort Donelson gave the Cumberland River to the Union forces. Also the Union General Ulysses S. Grant earned the nickname "Unconditional Surrender".
  • The Surrenderof Fort Henery

    The Surrenderof Fort Henery
    The Surrender of Fort Henery in Tennesee where the Confederates lost the fort on the Tennesee River, which gave the Union troops control.
  • The Battle of Hampton Roads

    The Battle of Hampton Roads
    Was the first battle of ironclad warships between the north and the south. Took place in Hamptons Roads, Virginia and was a Confederate victory.
  • McClellan was Fired

    McClellan was Fired
    Georger McClellan was Fired by President Lincoln at the Battle of Antintam. As he was moving towards the Potamic.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    The Battle of Shiloh in Hardin County, Tennesee was a Union victory. Ulysses S. Grant counter attacked on the Union after there suprise attakc which made it a union victory.
  • Battle of Pea Ridge

    Battle of Pea Ridge
    The Battle of Pea Ridge in Arkansas, which kept a hold on Missouri for the Union and weakened the Confederates control over the Mississipi River.
  • The Seven Days Battles

    The Seven Days Battles
    In Richmond, Virginia the Seven Days Battles where the Confederates forces won. Where the Union forces tried to capture the Confederates capital.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    The second Battle of Bull Run in Mansanas, Virginia and it was a Confederate victory. Robert E. Lee and the Souths boost in morale would later help them in begining to lead to the north.
  • The Second Battle of Bull Run

    The Second Battle of Bull Run
    The second Battle of Bull Run was a victory for the Confederate forces. It led to the Confederats boost in morale and it was also fought in the same spot as the first Battle of Bull Run.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    The Battle of Antietam Sharpsburg, Maryland and it was a Union victory. This battle gave Lincoln a boost in announcing the Emancipation Proclimation. It became a main turning point in the American Civil war.
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Battle of Fredericksburg
    The Battle of Fredericksbug in Virginia and it was a Confederate victory. The union army suffered a mass amount of casualties on the Potamic, which made it a Confederate victory.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation
    Gave freedom and oppertunity to all slaves, which Lincoln planned on the freedom of all slaves and abolishment of slavery.
  • Battle of Chancelorsville

    Battle of Chancelorsville
    The Battle of Chancelorsvillle in Virginia was a Confederate victory. It was a big victory for Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson was very harshly wounded during this battle.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The Battle of Gettysburg was a Union victory. It signified a great defeat of the Confederacy and the Union had not lost as many casualties as the Confederates. It was in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    In Vicksburg, Mississpi a Union victory and it gave them control of the Mississipi River. Where the Confederate Army surrendered to the Union General Ulysses S. Grant.
  • The Battle of Chickamauga

    The Battle of Chickamauga
    The Battle of Chickamauga in Georgia was a Confederate victory. It was the largest Confederate victory and after two losses at Gettysburg and Vicksburg this was a successful win.
  • The Siege of Knoxville, Tennesee

    The Siege of Knoxville, Tennesee
    The Siege of Knoxville, Tennesee was where James Longstreet the Confederate General sieged Knoxville and after one failed attempt over 2 weeks he went and joined Robert E. Lee's army near the Northern part of Virginia.
  • The Gettysburg Address Speech

    The Gettysburg Address Speech
    The Gettysburg Address speech was given by Abraham Lincoln. It was significant because it showed a sense of fait in all people to be "created equal". This speech was a chance for Lincoln to provied peace and unity throughout the US during this difficult time.
  • The Siege of Chattanooga

    The Siege of Chattanooga
    In Chattanooga, Tennesee was a Union victory. It was important because the Confederate forces surronded the area and Ulysses S. Grant came back at them with a plan. However, the Union forces did suffer a sever amount of casualties almost 16,000.
  • Proclimation of Amnesty and Reconstruction

    Proclimation of Amnesty and Reconstruction
    Lincoln issued the Proclimation of Amnesty and Reconstruction and which those who took an oath which promised they would abide by all proclimations that the presiednt made. Specifically, referenced towards slavery and the abolishment of it.
  • Battle of Stones River

    Battle of Stones River
    The Battle of Stones River in Tennesee was a Unuion Victory. It boosted the morale of the North and gave them partial control of Tennesee. This battle had the most amount of casualties on each side in the Civil War.
  • First Successful Submarine Attack

    First Successful Submarine Attack
    The first successful submarine attck in the Civil War outside of Charleston, South Carolina is where The CSS H.L. Hunley attacked the USS Houstonic. The Confederates where the first to use the submergable craft ships.
  • Camp Sumter Prison Camp Opens

    Camp Sumter Prison Camp Opens
    The unsanitary war prison camp in Georgia opens and soon becomes Andersonville Prison Camp. It was well remembered for being overcrowded and very unsafe/unsanitary, which many prisoners there died.
  • Ulysses S. Grant Becomes A Lieutenant General

    Ulysses S. Grant Becomes A Lieutenant General
    Ulysses S. Grant becomes the Lieutenant General and was appointed by President Lincoln. He controls all of theUnion Army's after that.
  • Battle of Mansfield

    Battle of Mansfield
    The Battle of Mansfield on April 8, 1864 that is also known as the Battle of Sabine Crossroads in Louisiana. It was a Confederate win and created part of the Red River Campaign.
  • Battle of Pleasent Hill

    Battle of Pleasent Hill
    The Battle of Pleasent Hill in Louisiana was another part of the formation of the Red River Campaign. It was a Union victory in attempts to drive the Confederate troops out under General Bank's command.
  • Battle of Fort Pillow

    Battle of Fort Pillow
    The Battle of Fort Pillow on the Mississipi River in Henning, Tennesee was a Confederate victory. It was a battle where the enslaved people fought for their freedom and the Confederate troops led by General Nathan Bedford Forrest attacked the Union troops.
  • The Battle of the Wilderness, Virginia

    The Battle of the Wilderness, Virginia
    The Battle of Wilderness in Virginia started the "Wilderness Campaign". Neither side had a victory but the Union forces came close to taking the offensive side at the Confederates Capital of Richmond which was ordered by the new Union General Ulysses S. Grant.
  • The Atlanta Campaign

    The Atlanta Campaign
    The Atlanta Campaign was the various amount of Battles in the civil war that were fought in the Western Theater. They were the series of many battles fought around Atlanta, Georgia during the summer in 1864. The goal was to destroy the Army in Tennesee and cut off Confederate supply in Atlanta.
  • Battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia

    Battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia
    The Battle of Cold Harbor in Mechanicsville, Virginia was important because of it being a strategic turning point during the Civil War. After many attempts by the Union troops the Confederate forces won after defating the Unions troops.
  • Abraham Lincoln is Elected for A Second Term

    Abraham Lincoln is Elected for A Second Term
    Abraham Lincoln is elected a second term after many people viewed him as a political hero. He ran against George B. McClellan.
  • Red River Campaign

    Red River Campaign
    The Red River Campaign was a Union's strategy to attack at the Confederacy. General Nathaniel Banks started the Red River Campaign in Louisiana. The army and navy combined resulted in a Confederate victory.
  • Attack on Fort Stedman

    Attack on Fort Stedman
    The attck on Fort Stedman in Petersburg, Virginia was also known as the Battle of Hares Hill. The Union army surrounded a fortification to siege to Confederate forces. It was also known as "Lee's last offensive". Overall, it was a Union victory.
  • The Battle of Five Forks

    The Battle of Five Forks
    The Battle of Five Forks in the southwestern part of Petersburg, Virginia was important because Lee's Union army had a plan to cut off the railroads an sources for transportation to attack the Confederate forces.
  • Thrid Battle of Petersburg

    Thrid Battle of Petersburg
    The Third Battle of Petersburg in Virgina resulted in the breakthrough of Petersburg. It eneded in a Union victory as the result.
  • Battle of Sailors Creek

    Battle of Sailors Creek
    The Battle of Sailors Creek was one of the last interactions between the Union and Confederate army in Northern Virginia. Where the Union general Ulysses S. Grant had success in cutting off the line of retreat, resulting in the Union victory.
  • The Civil War Ends

    The Civil War Ends
    The American Civil war which lasted from April 12, 1861 to April 9, 1865 finally ends. The Union wins, slavery is abolished and the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments are ratified in the US.
  • The Assasination of Abraham Lincoln

    The Assasination of Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln was assasinated in Fords Theater in Washington, D.C. He was then shot in the head by John Wilkes Booth. Then he later died the next morning.
  • President Andrew Johnson Elected

    President Andrew Johnson Elected
    President Andrew Johnson became president after the assasination of Abraham Lincoln. He was vice president but on for a short amount of time before he was moved up to presidency.
  • General Richard Taylor Surrenders

    General Richard Taylor Surrenders
    The General Richar Taylor Surrenders all of the Confederate forces. He surrenders them in the Department of Alabama, Mississpi and East Louisiana.
  • Jefferson Davis is Captured

    Jefferson Davis is Captured
    Jefferson Davis who was the president of the Confederate States of America was captured. He was captured near irwinville, Georgia. Then later brought to be imprisoned in Fort Monroe in Hampton, Virginia.
  • Final Battle of the Civil War

    Final Battle of the Civil War
    The final Battle of the American Civil war took place in Palmito Ranch, Texas. It resulted in a Confederate victory.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    The 13th Amendment was passed by congress. It was passed on January 31, 1865 and then ratified on December 6th. This amendment would abolish slavery for all.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1866

    The Civil Rights Act of 1866
    The Civil Rights Act of 1866 would enable all people who were born in the United States were to be citizens. This would not discriminate based on race or gender. President Johnson vetoed the act but it was overturned.
  • Riots Break Out in Memphis

    Riots Break Out in Memphis
    The Memphis massacre in 1866 was a series of various violent outbreak events. One of the police tried attempting to arrest a black man, which caused an outbreak of riots.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The 14th Amendment was passed by the US Congress and gave the rights to citizenship to any born person in the US created the equal citizenship towards African Americans.
  • The Judicial Circuts Acts

    The Judicial Circuts Acts
    The Judicial Circuts Acts of 1866 were to organize a new circut court way in the US. It also provided many eliminations in the court rulling of seats on the Supreme court. This law was signed by President Andrew Johnson.
  • Tennesee Readmitted to The Union

    Tennesee Readmitted to The Union
    Tennesee was the first state to rejoin the Union. Many of the people that lived in Tennesee opposed the 14th Amendment and wanted to ratify it by Tennesee's rwadmission to the Union.
  • Tennesee Rejoins the Union

    Tennesee Rejoins the Union
    After the 14th Amendment was ratified Tennesee rejoined the Union faster than any other state was to secede.
  • Grant is Titled General of The Armt

    Grant is Titled General of The Armt
    After the US Congress passed the legislation that authorized the ranking of the Genral of the Army. Which Ulysses S. Grantwas granted into that role as General of the Army.
  • The National Union Convention

    The National Union Convention
    The National Union Convention was a convention that met in Philidelphia. The met in 1866 of August and were trying to create a political party that gave President Andrew Johnsons program of Reconstruction electing a new form of Congress.
  • The War Has Officially Ended

    The War Has Officially Ended
    After many years the President at the time, which was Johnson decides the Civil war is declared as over.
  • The H.O.R. Elections

    The H.O.R. Elections
    These elections were a major win for the Republcian political party. So that they could overide any of the vetos made by President Andrew Johnson. The won on each side of the senate which gave them an advantage.
  • African American Men Can Veto

    African American Men Can Veto
    The free African American men are given all the rights to be able to veto. The US Congress was able to ovveride the veto by President Johnson in Washington, D.C.
  • The First Reconstruction Act

    The First Reconstruction Act
    The First Reconstruction Act was passed and also known as the Military Reconstruction Act. Where the South diveded into five military districts.
  • Reconstruction Act of 1867

    Reconstruction Act of 1867
    The Reconstruction Act of 1867 were terms for reentering rebel states and their representaion. It diveded those Southern states into 5 different miltaries.
  • Jesse James Robbed a Savings Bank

    Jesse James Robbed a Savings Bank
    In 1867 Jesse James who was an American outlaw robbed a Daviess County Savings Assosiation in Gallatin, Missouri. He did this because of the one failed attempt and a casualty.
  • The Purchase of Alaska

    The Purchase of Alaska
    The Purchase of Alaska in 1867 was when the United States bought Alaska from Russia. They bought it for $7.2 million and they purchased Alaska to create more of a 'pacific power'. The US did not want England to establish any territory there.
  • First Elevated Railroad

    First Elevated Railroad
    On July 2, 1867 the first ever elevated railroad service starts in the US. Its services start in New York, USA.
  • The Third Reconstruction Act

    The Third Reconstruction Act
    The Thirds Reconstruction Act was when President Johnson vetoed the act that gave instructions and procedures in the Southern areas. Which gave power to 5 of the Union generals apart of the act in each distrect of the south.
  • President Johnson Vetos All Reconstruction Bills Passed

    President Johnson Vetos All Reconstruction Bills Passed
    President Andrew Johnson vetoed almost all of the Reconstruction Bills that had been passed by congress. Furtermore, Congress and President Johnson didn't agree with eachother because congress did not think Johnsons plans protected all the rights politicaly and civil of all free slaves.
  • President Johnson susspended Stanton

    President Johnson susspended Stanton
    In 1867 President Johnson susspended Edwin M. Stanton after many difficult dissagrements as he was Secretary of War. They had many dissagreemnts about the Reconstruction Acts plans and Johnson puts Grant in Stantons spot.
  • US Gains Control of Midway Island

    US Gains Control of Midway Island
    On September 30, 1867 the US gains control over Midway Island which is near Honolulu, Hawaii. The US Navy helps in the taking control over Midway.