History Timeline

  • Born

    I was born in South Chicago. My mother put me up for adoption and my parents now, flew with my brother to pick me up. They came about a week later and I was their new son.
  • Period: to


  • Attack on the Twin Towers in New York City

    Attack on the Twin Towers in New York City
    9/11 AttackBetween 8 and 9 am, two planes crashed into the World Trade Center in an act of terrorism. One plane crashed into the Pentagon in DC, and another one crashed in rural PA. One of the worst disasters in American history.
  • Trip to Disney World

    Trip to Disney World
    I took a trip to Disney World when I was about 2 years old. We went down to Flordia because my dad was speaking at a conference. But we made a pit stop to go to Disney. That is the only time I have been there.
  • Family Tradition Glenside Parade

    Family Tradition Glenside Parade
    Every 4th of July, our family attends the parade in Glenside. We always sit in the same place and see the sights of the parade.
  • Spirit Lands On Mars

    Spirit Lands On Mars
    The NASA Spirit rover lands on Mars. It was sent to search for water and other minerals on the planet. It continued to work until 2010, 20 times longer than expected.
  • Start Kindergarden

    Start Kindergarden
    I was very scared starting kindergarden. I always used to cry because I wasn't used to being gone for the whole day. But, with some help, I managed to get though the whole day without crying.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    On August 29, hurricane Katrina ravaged throught the East coast. It hit New Orleans and no one thought it was going to do any damage. But, the dikes broke, and the water came running in. All of New Orleans was flooded and everything around it.
  • Virginia Tech Shootings

    Virginia Tech Shootings
    A student had mental illness and brought a gun into the campus. He shot and killed 32 people in 2 sepreate attacks. He then killed himself afterwards. Some new gun laws were passed after that.
  • Barack Obama's Election

    Barack Obama's Election
    It was the first time that a black man was running for president. He ran aganst John McCain, a very worthy opponent. It was a close race, but Barack became the first black president ever.
  • Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

    Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize
    Obama won the Nobel Prize in a very close vote. He ran against 3 other people who were all deserving of the prize. he was the 4th president to win that award.
  • Mom Diagnosed with Cancer

    Mom Diagnosed with Cancer
    My Mom was diagnosed with cancer on her birthday. Talk about the worst birthday ever. Then she had to wear a wig on my birthday. I was very scared for her, but the operation and medicine worked and she is fine now.
  • Osama Bin Laden Killed

    Osama Bin Laden Killed
    A group of Navy seals were sent to hunt and kill Osama Bin Laden. They found the house where he was staying and stormed the house. They busted down the door and killed all 6 men that were in the compound, including Bin Laden.
  • Started Last Year atRoslyn School

    Started Last Year atRoslyn School
    I had the best, and saddest school year of my life. I did not want to leave Roslyn, but on the other hand, I wanted to meet new people at the Jr High.
  • Trip Out West

    Trip Out West
    We took at trip out west with my family and it was the best trip ever. We landed in Las Vegas and drove out to Zion Canyon and then to Bryce Canyon, We then went to the Grand Canyon and back to Las Vegas. We were out there for almost two weeks
  • Sandy Hook Shootings

    Sandy Hook Shootings
    in the morning of Dec. 14, 2012. A man with a rifle and 2 pistols invaded a local elementary school. He shot and killed 27 people, 7 adults and 20 kids. He killed himelf right afterwards. the Gov. made new guns laws right afterwards and made schools more protected with new security.
  • Barack Obama Sworn In For 2nd Term

    Barack Obama Sworn In For 2nd Term
    Barack Obama ran against Mitt Romney for the US presidency in 2012. Both of them were very appealing and it was a hard choice for voters. But, Obama pulled it out and had his second straight term. He was sworn in to the office on January 20, 2013.
  • Became member of my church

    Became member of my church
    I became a member of my chuch in the Spring of 2013. It was a pretty big deal since every other person that I knew was a member. I have given my life to the Lord.
  • Trip to Bush Gardens

    Trip to Bush Gardens
    My family drove five hours to Jamestown, Viginia and to take a vacation to Bush Gardens. We stayed there for about one week and it was the best theme parks ever.
  • The Michael Brown Shooting

    The Michael Brown Shooting
    Michael Brown was walking when a cop called him over. But Michael challeged the cop and didn't come to him. Instead, he ran at the cop and the cop pulled out his gun and shot Michael. Protests broke out everywhere.
  • Easton PA Missions Trip

    Easton PA Missions Trip
    This summer, my church youth group and two other churches took a missions trip to Easton Pa took be counselors at a kids camp. I was a sports teacher and and mde friends wih all of my kids I taught. That trip changed my life.