History of Voting.

  • North Carolina Constitution.

    North Carolina Constitution.
    This gives North Carolinians the outlines to vote. This also gives us other rights in North Carolina. This is where voting happens for North Carolinians too. We get out rights and voting power from here.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    This fought for the rights of women. They met in New York. They signed a bill demanding rights for women. This helped lead women to push for equality. This helped establish the want for the ability to vote among women.
  • Jim Crow

    Jim Crow
    This made segregation of everything. Public buildings, benches, drinking fountains, bathrooms, stores and restaurants. Anything that whites and blacks both used at the time were separate. It was suppose to be separate but equal but it wasn't equal. This was a huge reason of why the blacks started to rebel and try to get rights.
  • 17th amendment.

    17th amendment.
    This gives us the power to elect our senators.This gave us a more direct way to put people into the government. This shows our democracy first hands .Each senator has a vote in senate. Two per state which equals 100 of them. This shows that we have a lot of power to elect our officials.
  • Passage of the 19th Amendment

    Passage of the 19th Amendment
    This gave women the right to vote. This was the end to their 30 year struggle for these rights. This made the voting field more equal. This gave more chance for women's opinions to be heard.
  • Indian Citizenship Act

    Indian Citizenship Act
    Indian citizenship was finally given. The first group here one of the last to to get rights. Native Americans weren't noticed by the government. They weren't citizens. They had barley nay rights. This gave them citizenship, rights and protections!
  • Passage of the 23rd Amendment

    Passage of the 23rd Amendment
    This gives the people of Washington DC the right to vote for the electoral college members. The electoral college have the final say on who is president. This helps us have more of a say of what happened in out government. The purpose of this was too give us more voting opportunities for those who represent us.
  • Passage of teh 24th Admenetment.

    Passage of teh 24th Admenetment.
    This abolished the poll tax while voting. This was to make it so that people had an equal chance at voting. This was because of the 14th amendment. This allowed for people to have more of a say in our government.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    This gave African Americans protections to vote. This eliminated barriers they may have faced before.
    This allowed them to have more of a say in the government. This also allowed them to be able to have better jobs and education. This gave them more of an equal opportunity in America.
  • Passage of the 26th Amendment

    Passage of the 26th Amendment
    This lowered the voting age from 21 to 18. This was because if you were able to fight for your country. You should be able to vote in the government of it. This quickly was added and had a lot of support. There was very little opposition to this amendment being added.