History of the Nation

By Monaye
  • 1569

    The war that would change history forever

    During the beginning stages of the government there were two opposing sides. One side wanted the government to make the decisions for them and the other side wanted to be involved in the government. This led to the Governmental wars.
  • The AfterMath

    The governmental war lasted for 20 years on and off. Both sides were constantly fighting on whether they should be involved or stay to themselves. Eventually the war was over and it was decided that the people would have some sort of involvement in the government. This was the beginning of the representative democracy
  • The conflict in between

    As more and more people were getting involved in the government and the constitution process, debates on what type of people should be allowed to make decisions in the government arose.
  • The beginning of new History

    After the debates many of the citizens decided that everyone is equal and theybegan drafting up new ideas on what the government should be. Formal laws were being created, the citizens were actively involved, and officials and branches were being decided.
  • The intial constitution was born

    By 1700 the first drat of the constitution was created. Within the constitution it listed the rights of all the citizens and also stated the laws that would govern the land. Along with the constitution the government was still being created at this time.
  • The final form of the government

    The final draft of the constitution was finished and the government was flourishing. All of the citizens had the opportunity to voice their opinions and get actively involved.