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History of the Earth

  • 4600 BCE

    Planetary Accretion

    Planetary Accretion
    The collection of rock and dust into the formation of a planet.
    This is when the first form of Earth has formed, it is dust. It happened 4.6 bill years ago.
  • 4600 BCE

    Moon Formation

    Moon Formation
    From the ring after the core has formed, a rock came out which became our moon. Earth, used to be known as Theia, collided with a Mars-sized planet. The collision launched debris out and that debris started orbiting Earth.
  • 4500 BCE

    Collision with Theia and Earth

    Collision with Theia and Earth
    As the Theia collided with the Earth, they both were blown away and Earth was thrown in the space.
  • 4100 BCE

    Core Has Fomred

    Core Has Fomred
    The dust after the collision with Theia has been pulled into a cloud of hot dust, forming the basis of the Earth we have right now, or not just yet but the core.
  • 3900 BCE

    Planetary Cooling

    Planetary Cooling
    From 4billion BCE to 3.8Billion BCE, there was planetary cooling, which the hot Earth, rising up to 1200°c started to cool down until our daily temperature today. Earth became stable enough to have a rocky terrain, clouds, and enough rainwater to form oceans.
  • 3800 BCE

    End of Heavy Bombardment

    End of Heavy Bombardment
    The meteoroids stopped falling, Earth was filled with ocean because, inside the meteor, there were salt minerals making the ocean for the Earth.
  • 3500 BCE

    Origin/Formation of Life

    Origin/Formation of Life
    Life has formed 3.5 million years ago during the Eoarchean Era.