History of The Computer

  • 500 BCE

    Abacus was invented

    Abacus was invented
    The abacus was invented by the chinese In 500 BCE and is considered by many to be the original starting point of the computers we know today. Although the defenition of a computer does require it to be electronically powered this was a key step in the right direction for the future of computers.
  • Joseph Marie invents the Loom with Punch Cards.

    Joseph Marie invents the Loom with Punch Cards.
    In France, Joseph Marie made a loom wich used wooden punch cards to weave intricate fabric designs. The idea of these punch cards was very similar to those of early computers.
  • Herman Hollerith designs a punch card system

    Herman Hollerith designs a punch card system
    Herman Hollerith designed a punch card system which allowed for him to calculate the 1880 census saving the government 5 million dollars (which was more back then). He than started a company which would ultimately become IBM.
  • J.V. Atanasoff attempts to build first computer

    J.V. Atanasoff attempts to build first computer
    J.V. Atanasoff attempted to build the first computer without cams, belts or gears at Iowa state in 1967 which allowed for the idea that is now smaller more portable computers.
  • Atanasoff and Clifford Berry advance the computer

    Atanasoff and his graduate student Clifford Berry designed a computer that could do up to 29 calculation simultaneously. This was the first time that a computer was able to store information in its main memory
  • William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain invent the Transistor

    William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain invent the Transistor
    In 1947 William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain invented the first transistor. A transistor is a semiconductor device with three connections.
  • Grace Hopper COBOL

    Grace Hopper COBOL
    Grace Hopper invented the first computer language which went by COBOL. This was a revolutionary step as it was the basis for most of the programming and coding we have today as well as the basis for Windows and IOS.
  • Personal Computers hit the Market

    Personal Computers hit the Market
    In 1974 personal use computers were released to the general public. Although they were a hassle they were also sought after as it was a new exciting thing for most people. Some of the computers that came out were the Scelbi & Mark-8 Altair, IBM 5100, Radio Shack's TRS-80.
  • Bill Gates and Paul Allen form Microsoft

    Bill Gates and Paul Allen form Microsoft
    Both Bill Gates and Paul Allen offered to type code for Altair using the new BASIC language after their success they stopped coding for Altair and the Childhood friends formed Microsoft.
  • Apple announces they're computers

    Apple announces they're computers
    In 1976 Steve jobs announced the begining of Apples Program to begin making computers. They show the Apple 1 the first computer with a single circuit.
  • Apple 2 is released

    Apple 2 is released
    In 1997 Apple released the apple 2 this was the first computer to offer colored graphics to the user. This was truly revolutionary as before you had to view images on your computer in black and white.
  • Apple releases the LISA

    Apple releases the LISA
    The LISA was apples first Personnel computer to feture a GUI (Graphic User Interface). Although no one liked it and the invention failed terribly over many years it evolved into the Macintosh
  • Microsoft announces Windows

    Microsoft announces Windows
    Microsoft releases Windows in response to Apple's release of their GUI. Commodere unveils their latest computer which has advanced audio and video cables.
  • The world wide web is released

    The world wide web is released
    In 1985 the world wide wibe was released which changed the future of what the use of computers would be. It also allowed for the term the internet to be used in day to day life and was the foundation for all computer communication and searches.
  • Computers and Entertainment merge

    Computers and Entertainment merge
    In 1994 Gaming on PC's and streaming music on PC's became a reality. Before you only used Computers for work as it wasn't possible to stream music and the graphics on the PC's made watching videos or playing games a miserable expierence. However, In 1994 was when entertainment became a secondary use for the computer.
  • Google is invented

    Google is invented
    Sergey Brin and Larry Page invent google at Stanford University in 1996 as a new alternate search engine.
  • Wifi

    In 1999 was the time that Wifi became something that people said and used in day to day life.
  • Youtube

    In 2005 Youtube became a video web and streaming application for public use.
  • I phone is Relaeased

    I phone is Relaeased
    The I phone was released in 2007 and added many features that computers used onto a handheld device that one could store in their pocket which was truly amazing
  • Macbook pro

    Macbook pro
    The Macbook pro was revolutionary as it was one of Apples first computers that people wanted to use it was portable and easy which made it attractive to a wider range of people oppose to the pc.
  • Facebook reaches 1B

    Facebook reaches 1B
    In 2012 Facebook reached 1 billion users (Yay Zuck)