
History of Multicultural Education

  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Though this event did not specifically target schools, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited racial segregation of public accommodations. This further emphasized the ruling of the Civil Rights Act of 1954.
  • Indian Education Act of 1972

    Indian Education Act of 1972
    The Indian Education Act recognized the different cultural needs of American Indians. It provides services to American Indians, and it is targeted at all grade levels.
  • Arthur Garrity Boston Bus Ruling

    Arthur Garrity Boston Bus Ruling
    Arthur Garrity ordered that mostly caucasian schools in Boston have African-Americans bussed in from other parts of the city. This was an attempt to achieve racial desegregation, and provide better educational opportunities to children in low-income areas.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    Congress enacted the Education for All Handicapped Children Act. This requires all public schools to allow handicapped children access to education. This allowed for a great change, because up until this point only 1 in 4 handicapped children received education.
  • The Refugee Education Assistance Act

    The Refugee Education Assistance Act
    This act provided assistance to educational agencies who worked with Cuban and Haiti refugee children. This act provided special aid to many children who were brought to the US as part of the Refugee act of 1980.
  • Plyer v. Doe Ruling

    Plyer v. Doe Ruling
    This Texas ruling made it illegal for schools to refuse education immigrant children who lack documentation. This act also refused to allow the school to charge each student $1,000 as it was a public school.
  • Honig v Doe

    Honig v Doe
    This ruling made it illegal for a school to suspend students for behavior related to their disabilities. It was found that a California school had violated the Education for All Handicapped Children when it suspended a student for disruptive behavior regarding his disability.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    This act prohibits the discrimination of people based on their disabilities. It encompasses all public areas including education.
  • Improving America’s School Act

    Improving America’s School Act
    This was signed into place by Jimmy Carter. It gave large increases to bilingual and immigrant funding.
  • Virginia Tech School Shooting

    Virginia Tech School Shooting
    This tragic event occurred when a college youth took a machine gun to school and killed 32 people, then himself. It began an era heavy with school shootings, and seems to have become more common today.