History of Gifted Education

  • Identification

    Lewis M. Terman, father of the gifted child movement, revised the french version of the Binet-Simon Scale (1st true intellegence test) and used it to identify and study gifted students.
  • Education

    Leta S. Hollingworth started the Special Opportunity Class at a public school in New York City. Hollingworth pioneered the education of gifted students. Up to that point, the emphasis had been focused on identification and research.
  • Sputnik

    The Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first satelite, into space. This established a need for our gifted and talented children. It served as motivation for the United States to put greater effort and resources into identifying and educating our best and brightest.
  • Expanded Definition of Giftedness

    Expanded Definition of Giftedness
    The Marland Report expanded the definition of giftedness with the inclusion of leadership, artisitic and creatinve thinking and psychomotor ability.
  • A Nation At Risk

    A Nation At Risk
    A Nation At Risk was published. This report asserted that the U.S. was failing its most promising students and offered policy changing suggestions regarding gifted education, practices and standards.
  • Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act

    Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act
    The Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act passed in Congress. This act provided significant funding and grants for educational research and programs.