History of Electronic Music

  • John Cage Birth

    John Cage Birth
    John Cage is born
  • Electronic music starts to buzz!

    Electronic music starts to buzz!
    Electronic music is on the rise, leading up to the Theremin.
  • Theremin invented

    The Theremin is developed
  • Magnetic Tape invented

    Magnetic Tape invented
    Invented in Germany
  • Edgard Varese experiments with turntables

    Edgard Varese experemints with turntables.
  • John Cage creates Imaginary Landscape no 1

    John Cage creates Imaginary Landscape no 1
  • Les Paul guitar invented

    Les Paul guitar invented
    Les PAul built his electric guitar.
  • John Cage writes sonatas and interludes

    John Cage writes sonatas and interludes
    John Cage composes Sonatas and Interludes
  • Music 11 developed

    Music 11 developed
    Matthews developed Music two
  • RCA Mark 11

    RCA Mark two developed.
  • 1960s revolution

    Many bands atart to incorporate electronic influences
  • I Get Around

    The Beach Boys produce "I Get Around"
  • Tannerin

    The Tannerin was invented
  • Good Vibrations

    The Beach Boys produce "Good Vibrations"
  • MIDI is invented

    MIDI is invented
    MIDI is invented