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American Education Firsts Digital Timeline

  • First school in America

    First school in America
    The first school in the 13 colonies opened. Boston Latin School still stands to this day.
  • First college in America

    First college in America
    Harvard University was the first college founded in America. It was located in Cambridge, Massachusetts in Boston. It is still there today and has an acceptance rate of only 6%.
  • First African-American man to receive a college degree

    First African-American man to receive a college degree
    Alexander Twilight was the first black man to graduate college. He graduated with a bachelor's degree.
  • First public high schools to accept women

    First public high schools to accept women
    New York and Boston were the first cities to admit women into public high schools.
  • First women to receive a bachelor's degree

    First women to receive a bachelor's degree
    Catherine Brewer would be the first women to get a bachelor's degree from Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia.
  • First public school for colored children

    First public school for colored children
    Dunbar High School is the first public school opened in the District of Columbia for colored children. This school is still standing as well in Washington, DC.
  • First school lunch program

    First school lunch program
    Philadelphia was the first city in the US to offer a school lunch program. It was called "penny lunch".
  • First African-American child to integrate a white Southern school

    First African-American child to integrate a white Southern school
    Ruby Bridges was the first African-American to integrate a white Southern elementary school. She would be escorted to and from school by federal marshals to protect her from angry mobs.
  • First Head Start Program

    First Head Start Program
    Lyndon B. Johnson announces the start of the first Head Start Program. It was an eight week summer program that helped underprivileged families.
  • First Secretary of Education

    First Secretary of Education
    Shirley Hufstedler was the first secretary of education. She was appointed by Jimmy Carter.