
History of Education

  • Period: to

    Where did United States Education begin....

    1635—Boston Latin School becomes the first public school as well as the oldest existing school in the U.S.
  • How do you spell that....

    How do you spell that....
    1783—Noah Webster finishes A Grammatical Institute of the English Language, a three-volume work he developed because he didn’t like the textbooks from England that were used at the time. In later editions, Webster rewrote words using American spelling.
  • Who should control education?

    Who should control education?
    1791—Individual states take control of education when the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified.
  • Who didn't love to clean the board...

    Who didn't love to clean the board...
    1801—While James Pillans discovered the method of using chalk on a blackboard while teaching geography, George Baron, an instructor at West Point Military Academy, is considered to be the first American instructor to incorporate the use of a large black chalkboard into the presentation of his math lessons.
  • Even the wee ones need to learn!

    Even the wee ones need to learn!
    1856—The first kindergarten in the United States is founded by Margarethe Schurz in Watertown, Wisconsin.
  • "I Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag..."

    "I Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag..."
    1892—The Pledge of Allegiance is first used in public schools on Columbus Day.
  • Paper with lines and holes???

    Paper with lines and holes???
    1914—Richard Prentice Ettinger drills holes in paper and puts the pages in a ringed binder, using the concept of loose-leaf notebook paper for the first time in the U.S. He later co-founds the educational publisher Prentice Hall.
  • Do I have to go to school today?

    Do I have to go to school today?
    1918—Mandatory school attendance laws are in place in every state.
  • The wheels on the bus go round n round...

    The wheels on the bus go round n round...
    1939—A conference on student transportation organized by Frank W. Cyr leads to the national standardization of school buses. He is later known as the Father of the Yellow School Bus.
  • Teachers up'd their game...

    Teachers up'd their game...
    Late 1950s—Overhead projectors become popular in schools after being used by the police and the U.S. Army.
  • All students are created equal...

    All students are created equal...
    1954—The United States Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education is passed, making segregated schools illegal.
  • Conjunction Junction…

    Conjunction Junction…
    1973—The first episode of SchoolHouse Rock! airs
  • You have died of dysentery…

    You have died of dysentery…
    1985—The wildly popular educational computer games Oregon Trailand Where in the World Is Carmen, San Diego? are developed.
  • No more banging erasers….

    No more banging erasers….
    1995—Dry-erase boards, also called whiteboards, have been replacing many chalkboards in classrooms across the U.S. to eliminate chalk dust.
  • Out with the old...

    Out with the old...
    2009—The Common Core State Standards Initiative is launched.