History of DNA Between 1870-1953

By time45
  • Miescher's Discovery of Nuclein

    Miescher's Discovery of Nuclein
    In 1870, Miescher began experiments on leucocytes to begin explaining the building blocks of life. He observed the proteins within the cell and saw an unknown substance that didn't have the similar properties of the protein. This was the first crude purification of DNA and observed its occurrence in the nuclei of the cell. He would then call the substance "nuclein".
  • Mendel's Theories are Rediscovered by Researchers

    Mendel's Theories are Rediscovered by Researchers
    What Mendel's theories are is that they are the simple principles of heredity. In the 1860s he made this discovery by researching plants and their offspring. With the evidence of heredity of plants, he applied this theory to all complex organisms. He published this theory in 1866 and later on died in 1884. His theories wouldn't be largely recognized until 1902.
  • Garrod associates Mendel's Theories with Human Disease

    Garrod associates Mendel's Theories with Human Disease
    Garrod studied the human disorder alkaptonuria. While doing so, he collected family history from his patients. Using Mendel's theories, he concluded that certain diseases were caused by errors in heredity.
  • Griffith's Experiments on Bacteria

    Griffith's Experiments on Bacteria
    In his experiments, he tested on mice using two strands of Pneumococcus bacteria. Some of the bacteria left the mice with small symptoms while other time it killed its host. It was then rendered ineffective after killing its first host. In doing so, Griffith discovered the transforming principle.
  • Avery identifies DNA as nucleic acids

    Avery identifies DNA as nucleic acids
    Avery was attempting to discover what substance makes certain bacteria that are harmless into something lethal. He and his colleagues took twenty gallons of bacteria and purified it until all that was left was a substance. That substance was not a protein or a carbohydrate but a nucleic acid and was further shown to be DNA.
  • Chargaff Discovers DNA Differs between Different Species

    Chargaff Discovers DNA Differs between Different Species
    Chargaff began his work on the chemistry of nucleic acids after reading Avery's scientific paper on DNA. He began to analyze the nitrogen bases and sugars in the DNA of different species. Chargaff then concluded that the DNA in different species differs.
  • Franklin & Wilkins Photograph DNA

    Franklin & Wilkins Photograph DNA
    Using X-ray diffraction techniques, Franklin used it to photograph DNA and suggested that it was in a helix-like structure. The original samples of DNA were given to Wilkins by Signer.
  • Hershey & Chase Discover DNA in Bacteria and Viruses

    Hershey & Chase Discover DNA in Bacteria and Viruses
    In 1952, Hershey and Chase conducted experiments on cells with DNA viruses. Through their experiments, it showed that viruses and bacteria infected its hosts with DNA.
  • Watson & Crick find the Structure of DNA

    Watson & Crick find the Structure of DNA
    Watson and Crick used X-ray data and model building to analyze the structure of DNA. Even though Franklin's photos played a huge role in finding the structure of DNA, only three could share the Nobel Prize. She then later on died of cancer in 1958.