History of Christianity

By spage22
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    Travels of Paul

    Paul had a huge impact on Christianity as he was able to see the good in God and then spread the word as he was called upon. It was god's grace to convert Paul. Paul was able to speak Greek and Latin- therefore, this had a huge impact on the spread of Christianity as he was able to converse with different languages. He traveled to places throughout his walk with Christ: Rome, Athens and many more.
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    The Greek Fire of Rome

    The Greek Fire of Rome all began in merchant shops near Rome's stadium.The fire had destroyed over half of the city by the time the fire had completely burned to ash. Emperor Nero blamed the first Christian community on the fire. Yet, in later history it was known to be him who ordered the fire.
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    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan was a letter written to stop the persecution of Christians. This was important as it saved christians as they were able to believe and worship in God. Constantine and Licinius sighed a political agreement for this. Constantine was baptised as the was nearly dead.
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    Battle of Milvian Bridge

    Constantine won the deadly battle. He saw a vision that seemed important. The vision stated, " delineate the heavenly sign on the shields of his soldiers." He followed this demand.
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    Theodosius' Reign

    Christianity became an official state religion. Theodosius signed for this to become a mark in history.