History of Australia

  • European Exploration

    First Europeans to sail to Australianwere the Dutch in 1606, but they didn't settle there. The Dutch made one landing and was attacked by the Aborigines.
  • "First Fleet"

    British ships left to England with convicts to establish a prison colony.
  • Penal Colony

    New South Wales was officially a penal colony consisting mainly convicts, marines, and the marines' families.
  • Nonprisoner colonization

    Government officials created boundaries for the colonies that are still in place today.
  • Commonwealth of Australia

    The Commonwealth of Australia is established
  • "White Australia"

    Immigration restriction act restricted migration to people primarily of European descent.
  • Aborgines

    Federal government began to pass legislation to help Abogines.
  • Striking Aborgines

    In March striking Aborgines farmers changed polotical history.
  • Australia Today

    55% of voters rejected the idea of becoming an independent republic.
  • British arrived

    In 1770 Captain James Cook sailed around Austarlia. Cook named the area New South Wales.