History of Astronomy

  • 384 BCE


    He was born in 384 and died in 322 B.C. He thought the sun, the stars, the moon, and other planets traveled in separate spheres that surround earth. He believed that earth was was the center of the universe, and he proved that earth was round.
  • 190 BCE


    he was born in 190 B.C and died in 120 B.C. He was the founder of trigonometry. He calculated the length of a year and was precession of the equinoxes, and calculated the distance between the moon and the earth, he also came up with the first catalogue of stars.
  • 100 BCE


    He was born 100 and died 170 A.D. He was an Egyptian astronomer, he believed that the earth was the center of the universe called the geocentric/ptolemaic model. He almost wrote a book called Almagest ( catalog of the stars and eclipse)
  • 1473


    Born Feb 19, 1473 and died May 21, 1543. He formulated a model of the universe, and he placed the sun not the earth in the center of the universe called heliocentric.He also invented the scientific method.
  • 1546

    Tycho Brahe

    Tycho Brahe
    Born December 14, 1546 and died October 24, 1601. Known for his accurate and comprehensive astronomical instruments and planetary observations.
  • 1564


    The galilean moons are the 4 largest moons of jupiter. There names are Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. They were found by Galileo on january 1610. They are the first found to orbit other plants. He was italian, he made a toy into a telescope, he discovered sunspots, the stars are not attached to some sphere around the earth.
  • 1570

    Hans Lippershey

    Hans Lippershey
    born 1570 and died september 1619. He invented the telescope, because he was the first to try to patent for it. His telescope wa s3x magnification.
  • 1571

    Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    Born december 27, 1571 and died november 15, 1630. He is a german astronomer and discovered three major laws of planetary motion. He was brahe assistance. Discovered the planets are not circular but elliptical.
  • Refracting telescope

    Refracting telescope
    The telescope was made in the netherlands by 1608. This telescope uses it lens to collect and focus the light just like binoculars do,then the light enters the front lens called the object lens.
  • Giovanni Cassini

    Giovanni Cassini
    Born june 8, 1625 and died September 14, 1712. He is known for discovering the divisions of the rings of saturn
  • Sir isaac newton

    Sir isaac newton
    december 25, 1642 and died march 31, 1727. He formulated the laws of gravitation and discover the 3 laws of motion, newton was the first person to explain tides scientifically.
  • Reflecting telescope

    Reflecting telescope
    The telescope was invented by british scientist Sir Isaac Newton and completed in 1668. This telescope uses a single or combination of curved mirrors that reflect light and form one image.
  • William herschel

    William herschel
    born november 15, 1738 and died august 25, 1822. He discovered the planet uranus, and its moons. He also discovered 2 more of saturn's moons. Believed to have found polar ice on mars leading to studies hoping to find water on mars. He used a prism and thermometers in his experiment that eventually led to the discovery of the infrared. He discovered that u can bend light.
  • Percival lowell

    Percival lowell
    born march 13, 1855 and died november 12, 1916. He predicted planets beyond neptune, and he was right and found pluto. He thought there were aliens on mars, and he moved to flagstaff arizona to study mars and canalis on mars.
  • Ejnar hertzsprung

    Ejnar hertzsprung
    born october 8, 1873 and died october 27, 1967. He came up with the hr diagram. He classified stars by their color and brightness.
  • Edwin hubble

    Edwin hubble
    born november 20, 1889 and died september 28, 1953. He proved that the clouds of light astronomers saw in the night sky were actually other galaxies beyond our milky way. He also proved that the farther the galaxy from earth, the faster it is moving away from us.
  • Albert einstein

    Albert einstein
    born march 14, 1897 and died april 18, 1955. He created the theory of relativity and gravitation.
  • Karl Jansky

    Karl Jansky
    Born october 22, 1905 and died feb 14, 1950. He discovered radio waves emanating from the milky way.
  • Sputnik

    This is a satellit the reached Earth’s orbit that russia sent out. It was launched on october 4, 1957, this launch intensify the arms race and cold war tensions. In the 1950 the united states and soviet unions were working to develop technology. This became a space race.
  • Yuri gagarin

    Yuri gagarin
    born march 9, 1934 and died march 27, 1968. He was the first human to journey into outer space when his vostok spacecraft completed its orbit around earth on april 12, 1961. The space mission was called vostok 1.
  • John Glenn

    John Glenn
    Born july 18, 1921 and died december 8, 2016. He was an astronaut and in 1962 he became the first American to orbit around the earth 3 times. His space mission was called mercury-atlas 6, STS-95.
  • Apollo missions

    Apollo missions
    The program was from 1963 to 1972. This program was designed to land humans on the moon, and bring him back to safety. 6 of the missions which were apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17 achieved this goal. Apollos 7 and 9 were Earth orbiting missions to text the command and lunar modules, and did not return lunar data.
  • Neil Armstrong

    Neil Armstrong
    Born august 5, 1930 and died august 25, 2012. in 1969 he was the first person to walk on the moon. His space mission was apollo, Gemini 8.
  • First space shuttle flight

    First space shuttle flight
    Started january 5, 1972 ended august 31, 2011. The first flight was april 12, 1981 and the last was july 8, 2011. This was the fourth human spaceflight program.
  • Mars pathfinder expedition

    Mars pathfinder expedition
    aunched december 4, 1996 at 1:58:07 and made it to mars on july 4, 1997, the landing was confirmed at 1:07 pm that day.
  • Cassini Orbiter

    Cassini Orbiter
    his way sa mission to send a probe to study saturn and its systems. This was a collaboration with NASA and the European space agency. The space craft compnet was Huygens.
  • SpaceX falcon heavy

    SpaceX falcon heavy
    he launch date was february 6, 2018. It is derived from the Falcon 9 and, has the strength of the Falcon 9. It is the strongest rocket to be launched.