Aids 2

History of Aids

  • Orgin of Aids

    Orgin of Aids
    Studies of the virus suggested that in 2008, the most recent ancestor of the HIV-1 M group weant all the way back to the Belgian Congo city of Léopoldville, which is now modern Kinshasa, circa 1910. This links the HIV epidemic with the growth of large colonial African cities, leading toa higher degree of sexual promiscuity, and the the spread of prostitution. (Source:
  • First Case of Aids

    First Case of Aids
    On June 5, 1981, MMWR published a report of cases of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia among healthy young men in Los Angeles in June 1981. CDC developed a team to identify risk factors and in 18 months, epidemiologists conducted studies and prepared MMWR reports that identified all of the major risks factors for AIDS. In March 1983, CDC issued recommendations for prevention transmission based on these early epidemiologic studies (
  • The Geoffery Bowers Case

    In 1984, young lawyer Geoffrey Bowers found a job with Baker & McKenzie, one of the largest firms in the world. Soon afterward, he began showing symptoms of AIDS. Despite receiving satisfactory reviews from his bosses, Bowers was dismissed, and the firm failed to follow the typical termination processes. Bowers appealed to the New York State Division of Human Rights and his case would go on to be one of the first AIDS discrimination cases in legal history.
  • Celebrity AIDS

    Celebrity AIDS
    In 1985, while Too Close For Comfort was being retooled as The Ted Knight Show, Bullock learned that he was HIV positive. In 1996, Bullock's partner of six years, John Casey, died from AIDS-related complications. Bullock is a longtime survivor of the virus.
  • Intentional Infection

    Intentional Infection
    Nushawn Williams had sex with dozen of women, after learning he was HIV positive. He infected at least 14 women, and two of his children were born with the virus. Although Williams’ prison sentence was up in 2010, the state has kept him behind bars as a danger to society. (
  • AIDS Laws ( I couldn't find a date for this so I estimated)

    AIDS Laws ( I couldn't find a date for this so I estimated)
    Many states have partner-notification laws, meaning if you test positive for HIV, you may be legally obligated to tell your sex or needle-sharing partner. If you are HIV-positive and don’t tell your partner, you can be charged. Some health departments have to report the name of your sex and needle-sharing partner, even if YOU refuse to report it.(
  • AIDS Treatment Drugs

    AIDS Treatment Drugs
    There are a lot of drugs out there for AIDS. I found a page with tme listed and I counted around 39 drugs. It's ver long to list so instead I will put the link to that pge up so that you may view it. (
  • Intresting facts Avout HIV and AIDS

    Intresting facts Avout HIV and AIDS