
  • World war 1

    World war 1
    -The English Thought the French were not doing their part in helping out in the war
    -The french were not interested in helping out Britain (The English) in world war one.
    -The French didn't want to be associated with France or Britain.
  • Conscription Theory

    Conscription Theory
    -The French did not like the thought of conscription because they didn't want to fight for Queen.
    -The English Thought that the French were disowning them and lead to a lack of trust coming from the English
  • Maurice Duplessis

    Maurice Duplessis
    -He was the 16th premier of Quebec.
    -He claimed that quebec's problems were caused by the english speaking business man.
    -Made all business leaders french in order to make Quebec powerful.
    -He wanted to develop Quebec's natural resources in order to drive Quebec's economy.
  • Richard Riots

    Richard Riots
    -Happened on St.Patrick's day 1955
    -He was suspended for a whole season suppository because of his french background.
    -Started big riots in the street of Montreal.
  • FLQ was founded

    FLQ was founded
    -National movement that was founded in 1963.Its main goal was to achieve quebec's independence
    -The would do anything to achieve this goal even resorting to terrorism if necessary
  • Official Languages act

    Official Languages act
    -Was a law that gave french and english the same status in the government
  • October Crisis

    October Crisis
    -The october crisis began on october fifth when the FLQ kidnapped James Cross and Pierre laporte
    -They used the war measures act
    -Pierre laporte was murdered
  • Parti Quebecois victory

    Parti Quebecois victory
    -The parti Quebecois defeated the Quebec liberal party
    -There first bill was to make french the official language of Quebec
  • Bill 101

    Bill 101
    -Law in Quebec saying french is the majority language
    -Also made French the official language in government and courts in the province of Quebec
  • Quebec independence attempt 1

    Quebec independence attempt 1
    -Rene Levesque proposed the "sovereignty-association"
    -Took place on Tuesday may 20,1980 and the purposeful was defeated by a 59.56 to 40.44 percent margin
  • The Night of the long knives

    The Night  of the long knives
    -1980 When Pierre Elliott Trudeau worked on bring Canada the Constitution

    -Queen Elizabeth II came to Ottawa to proclaim the new constitution act on parliament
  • Meech lake accord

    Meech lake accord
    -Meeting of all of the provinces to try and get Quebec into the constitution
    -It failed and to this day Quebec is not apart of the Constitution
  • Quebec Second attempt at independence

    Quebec Second attempt at independence
  • Clarity act

    Clarity act