Colombia requisitos


  • 1500

    Conquest of Colombia

    Conquest of Colombia
    The conquest. It includes between the years 1500 to 1550. The first cities are founded.
  • Independence of Colombia

    Independence of Colombia
    The Independence of Colombia was the process that led to the end of the period of domination of the Spanish Empire in the current territory of the country. This process was fought in the middle of a conflict developed between 1810 and 1819 to emancipate the territories that then comprised the Viceroyalty of New Granada.
  • Slavery Abolition

    Slavery Abolition
    All this process finally triggered in the Law of May 21, 1851, sanctioned by President José Hilario López, declaring free all the slaves that existed in the territory of the Republic.
  • One thousands days’ war

    One thousands days’ war
    The Thousand Day War was the largest civil war that struck the Republic of Colombia and Panama (which was a Department of Colombia at that time), between October 17, 1899 and November 21, 1902, thus extending through 1130 days. It resulted in the victory of the ruling government and the subsequent separation of Panama in 1903.
  • Banana's Massacre

    Banana's Massacre
    This was perpetrated by a regiment of the Colombian Armed Forces under the presidential mandate of Miguel Abadía Méndez and executed by order of General Cortés Vargas in the municipality of Ciénaga on December 6, 1928, who vilely murdered an undetermined number of protesters who were protesting because of the appalling working conditions at the United Fruit Company.
  • The revolution in progress

    The revolution in progress
    After having won the elections with the highest vote ever obtained in Colombia by any candidate (900,000 votes), Alfonso López Pumarejo assumed the presidency and started the government known as "The Revolution in March."
  • Assassination of Jorge Eliecer Gaitan

    Assassination of Jorge Eliecer Gaitan
    It was certain that the head of the Liberal party, Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, would be elected president of Colombia in 1949. Gaitán led the opposition to the Government of Ospina Pérez and in gigantic demonstrations he had cried out, with his vibrant oratory, against the political violence that was bleeding the country. Three shots ended his life in the 7th race with 14th Street, on April 9, 1948.
  • The guerrillas are started by the liberals

    The guerrillas are started by the liberals
    To defend themselves from official persecution, the Liberals organize guerrillas in the eastern plains. Most of the liberal leaders give their support to the guerrillas. Colombia sends troops to Korea and constitutes the Colombia Battalion for them.
  • The M-19 appears

    The M-19 appears
    The April 19 Movement was a Colombian guerrilla movement born as a result of electoral fraud, carried out by former president Misael Pastrana Borrero. After its demobilization, it became a center-left political movement known as AD-M19 (Alianza Democrática M-19).
  • Kidnapping of the Embassy by the M-19

    Kidnapping of the Embassy by the M-19
    An M-19 command attacked the headquarters of the Dominican Republic embassy, ​​where a diplomatic reception was being held. Ambassadors from twenty countries, including the United States and the papal nuncio, were kidnapped as hostages. The guerrilla command and its hostages remained in the embassy for more than three months. There were no bloody incidents.
  • Peace Management

    Peace Management
    Belisario Betancur inicia gestiones de paz con el grupo subversivo Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC). El gobierno y la guerrilla acuerdan un cese al fuego, que se prolongará por tres años.
  • Assault of the National Palace of Justice

    Assault of the National Palace of Justice
    Burned bodies, missing civilians, irregularities in the investigation processes and uncertainty for the victims: this is the legacy left by the taking of the Palace of Justice. Around noon on November 6, 1985, the M-19, the only urban guerrilla in the country, walked into the Palace. The next 28 hours were a field of war between the guerrillas and the government. 94 people died and only 68 bodies were recognized.
  • Armero tragedy

    Armero tragedy
    The Armero tragedy was a natural disaster resulting from the eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano on Wednesday, November 13, 1985, affecting the departments of Caldas and Tolima, Colombia. After sixty-nine years of inactivity, the eruption took nearby towns by surprise, despite the fact that the Government had received warnings from multiple volcanic agencies since the first signs of volcanic activity appeared in September 1985.
  • Political Constitution of 1991

    Political Constitution of 1991
    The new Constitution drawn up by the National Assembly enters into force. Among its most discussed articles is the prohibition of the extradition of nationals.
  • Pablo Escobar is shot down

    Pablo Escobar is shot down
    After his escape, the government formed the so-called Search Block to recapture him and after seventeen months of intense tracking, he was shot on a roof of an exclusive sector of Medellín at 44 years of age
  • Jaime Garzón is assassinated

    Jaime Garzón is assassinated
    The journalist, humorist, and pacifist Jaime Garzón is assassinated.
  • Covid-19

    Covid-19 is a virus that attacked the whole world, it changed our lives completely and it is a virus that is transmitted mainly through the droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes or exhales. This started at the beginning of 2019 and we are still living it today.