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Historical Timeline for Education

  • National School Lunch Act

    National School Lunch Act
    This act expands access to school lunch by making available low-cost or free lunches for low-income students. Qualifying students were given one free meal during the school day. This act paved the way for school lunch programs today that offer free and reduced lunches for all students that are low-income.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Ruled that "separate but equal" was not equal, and it outlawed segregation. The decision meant that the racial segregation of children in public schools violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. This didn't fully accomplish desegregation in all US public education, but was a step in the right direction. Today there is diversity in classrooms and all students are welcomed.
  • Engel v. Vitale

    Engel v. Vitale
    A NY State law required public schools to open each day with the Pledge and a prayer. A parent sued on behalf of their child, arguing that school prayer violated the First Amendment. This law lead to the beginning of the separation between church and state. Since America is filled with people of all different religious affiliations, it's best to keep prayer out of diverse public schools.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    This federal statute prohibited discrimination based on students sex in school education programs and athletics. This is mostly known for legislating equal treatment and opportunity for girls in school athletics. This still is true today, students are provided with equal opportunities that allow all students to participate in physical education classes along with equal opportunity to participate in sports.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    Required all states that were currently accepting government money to provide equal access to education for children with physical and mental disabilities. Shortly after this, schools were also required to evaluate their students with disabilities and make an educational plan with their parents that would allow them to have a similar educational experience as non-disabled students.