Historical Ideology Chronological Order

By nicai
  • 1980 BCE


    Neoliberalism supports free trade, free enterprise and a free market. It questions state intervention and the merits of a welfare state.
  • 1970 BCE


    Parti Quebecois
  • 1966 BCE

    Rise of Quebec Nationalism

    Quiet Revolution
  • 1950 BCE


    The American culture and ideas became popular in Canada.
    Canada have to have its own shows, or ideas, or Canada will be dominated by American Culture. 1960s Different tv shows coming from the States.
  • 1950 BCE


    Modern idea.
    Post WW2, rejected.
    Now, there are aboriginal studies.
  • 1948 BCE


    Publication of Refus global
  • Period: 1945 BCE to 2017 BCE

    Contemporary Period

  • 1930 BCE

    Rise of Socialism

    An ideoiogy th¿t defends the interests of the greater number of people rather tha¡r those of small groups. Socialists believe that only state interventionism is capable of ensuring this defence.
    V.Lenin & Karl Marx
  • 1930 BCE


    Generate goods for a group of people, credit union, collective farm.
  • 1921 BCE

    Birth of Fascism

    Hitler, by the end od WW2, fell out of favor.
    Popular in 1930 because of the great depression, people are looking for extreme power.
  • 1920 BCE

    Rise of Capitalism

    Free market, free trade.
    Big company emerged.
  • 1920 BCE


    Municipal level, never provincial in Canada.
    Russia, China, Cuba, etc., being reformed.
    After WW1, Lenin
    Economy bad, looking for new solutions.
  • 1900 BCE

    Rise of Corporatism

    Founding of the Caisses populaires Desjardins
  • 1893 BCE

    Rise of Feminism

    Founding of the Montreal LocaI CounciI of Women
    1919, Women can vote.
    Economic equality, wage gap.
    The biggest historical story in last century.
  • 1888 BCE


    Great Depression
    Duplessis suggested returning to rural Quebec and relied on agriculture.
  • 1885 BCE

    Canadian and French Canadian Nationatlism

    Hanging of Louis Rie
  • Period: 1867 BCE to 1945 BCE


  • 1844 BCE


    An attitude consisting of a refusal of the Church's influence over any sphere of life other than the religious sphere.
  • 1840 BCE


    Late 1800, early 1900.
    A political and religious doctrine according to which the Catholic Church predominates in every way, notably with respect to political power.
  • 1830 BCE

    Rise of Liberalism in Lower Canada

    British took control of the colony and imposed their laws, language, culture and political institutions on its people.
    Require for responsible government.
  • 1826 BCE

    French Canadian Nationalism

    Patriotes of Lower Canada
  • 1776 BCE


    America Independent
  • 1760 BCE

    British Imperialism

    Extend power over land and people, building empires. European power conquered places. ex. Surrender of Montreal
    New France.
  • Period: 1760 BCE to 1867 BCE

    British Conquest

  • 1700 BCE


    French King is the highest authority over Church.
  • 1615 BCE


    First Récottet missionaries
  • Period: 1608 BCE to 1760 BCE

    French Regime

  • 1500 BCE


    The attribution of a soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena.
  • Period: 1400 BCE to 1608 BCE

    Aboriginal Period