Historical Globaization

By Xude
  • Fur Trade

    Fur Trade
    The fur trade started becasue during the later half of the 14 century the demand for fur hats became so popular that in 50 years the beavers were almost hunted to extinction in Europe. During the 1600's people started to look towards Canada for more furs to satisfy their need for fur hats.
  • Early Contact Cont'

    This event was important to globalization becasue without it neither the fur trade nor the colonization of Canada would ever happen. Also some people thouth that there was still a route to Asia, which is why more people started to come over to Canada and started meeting new First Nations groups.
  • The Fur Trade Cont'

    This event was the first step in globalization as we know it today, becasue the Europeans gathered resources and transported them to Europe. They also traded with the First Nations of their resources.
  • Early Contact

    Early Contact
    When the Europeans would stop to dry their fish after fishing off the coast of what would be Newfoundland they would encouter the First Nations of the area. The encouters were usually pecaeful and benifited both sides. This was becasue the First Nations were eager to trade used furs for tools like knives and cooking pots.
    <a href='http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=atlantic+canada+in+the+1500%27s&qs=n&form=QBIR&pq=atlantic+canada+in+the+1500%27s&sc=0-18&sp=-1&sk=#view=detail&id=54B4C1453E046E5
  • Immergration

    The Europeans decided to settle in North America because then they would have more land to put their condesly packed population. They would also get to have "safe havens" for their fishermen to safly dry their catch. Some also thought they could fix the people who believe in false Gods.
    <a href='http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=immigration+in+the+1500%27s&qs=n&form=QBIR&pq=immigration+in+the+1500%27s&sc=0-20&sp=-1&sk=#view=detail&id=97887E5C8596C14CA875E7A1F31DA65241665237&selectedIndex=3' >i
  • Immergration Cont'

    The movement of people is also part of globalization. People were moving from the crowaded Europe to the open spaces of what would be Canada. After the industrial revolution people swarmed to Canada becasue jobs were being cut and land was being turned into factories.
  • Early Frerch Rule

    Early Frerch Rule
    The French had claims in New France or Qubece. The French government wanted to strenghten New France, both to increse it's hold in North America and to prevent the British from taking their land. The government gifted land to high born people who were responsible for hiring people to farm the land.
  • Early French Rule Cont'

    The French rule was important to globalization because it forced Frech people to interact and trade with the First Nations. The French made alliecnces with some First Nations groups to help their trade agreements.
  • Hudsons Bay Company

    Hudsons Bay Company
    The Hudsons Bay Company was founded in order to get furs from Canada back to Brittian. When it was founded it was given a monoply on all land where rivers drained into the Hudsons Bay.This turned out to be about seven million square killometers.
  • Hudson Bay Company Cont'

    This helped form globalization as we know it becasue it shifted the gathering of furs from the settlers to a company which had a lot more rescources at its disposible. In 1783 the NorthWest Company was fromed which created copotision for the HBC.
  • The Seven Years War

    The Seven Years War
    The Seven Years War was from 1756-1763. The war was the first ture global war with conolies from India, North America, West Afrrica, Cuba and the Philippines. When the war ended the British took over New France, Cape Brettion and Florida, which made them the most powerful in the region of North America.
    <a href='http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=the+seven+years+war&qs=AS&form=QBIR&pq=the+seven&sc=8-9&sp=3&sk=AS2#view=detail&id=C17E4BED41828EF3E6CD2CC0FBB7603CBB9B5EEF&selectedIndex=0' >image</
  • The Seven Years War Cont'

    This impacted globaization because it stopped the compition between the HBC and the NWC. It also shifted the power balence in North America.
  • Red River Conoly

    Red River Conoly
    The Red River Conoly was created in 1811 when Thomas Douglas pursuaded the HBC to give him 300 000 square killometers of land. He thought that the land the land and settlers would help soilify their claim and feed the settlers and traders.
  • Red River Colony Cont'

    The colony made it easier for the HBC becasue they didn't have to import food but it also created some issues, such as the fact that it was Metis land. The colony was the frist settlement in what would be Canada.
  • The Confederation Of Canada

    The Confederation Of Canada
    This was important to globaization because it created a large trading partner for the U.S. and Europe. Also it gave people from Europe a place to immergrate to. The Confederation of Canada was when Canada became a country and it could make it's own laws and govern itself. It also made the Canadians deal with the First Nations.
    <a href='http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=confederation+of+canada&qs=AS&form=QBIR&pq=confederation+of+&sc=8-17&sp=1&sk=#view=detail&id=DB6D363500E2B24D59FCAA43EC07F91
  • Red River Resitance

    Red River Resitance
    This was when the Metis people attempted to remove the Red River colonies off of their land. in the end it was unsuccessful and their leader Louis Reil was hanged.
    This impacted globalization becasue it showed that not all the First Nations would fold under British rule.
  • The Depopulation Of The First Nations

    After the first contact with the First Nations in the 14000`s Europeans diseases spread throughout North America. Also the raging wars between France and England had many European casualities because of the sides they picked.
    This had an impact on globalization because if there were fewer First Nations then the HBC would have to go and get furs from inland and the Europeans would have less allies in North America meaning they would have to send troops to protect their colonies.
  • The Numbered Treaties

    The Numbered Treaties
    Between the years of 1871-1877 seven treaties were signed. Four more were signed between the yaers 1899 and 1921. The First Nations veiwed the money as a gift so the government could share the land with the, not as payment for surrendering their land.
    This affected globaization because it allowed the European immigrants a place to go to. It also was an act of trading between two cultures.
    <a href='http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=first+nation+historical+population+statistics&qs=n&form=QBIR&pq
  • Indian Act

    Indian Act
    In 1876 the Indian Act was passed it was one of many tools used by the government to encourage assimilation. The act dictated who was and wasn`t a `Status Indian`. People who weren`t status Indians were allowed to vote.
    I feel this was important to globalization because it showed that the Europeans did not veiw everyone the same. Also it tried to make the First Nations more like the Europeans.<a href='http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=indian+act&qs=n&form=QBIR&pq=indian+act&sc=8-10&sp=-1&sk=#v
  • Residental Schools

    Residental Schools
    These were also tools used by the government to encourage assimilation. Only thought this time it was by force. The government would take school-aged children and put them into the residental schools, where they would learn how to be more like the white Canadians.
    This impacted globaization because it took away the right to choose for aproxomently 100 000 people and families.
    <a href='www.bing.com/images/search?q=first+nation+historical+population+statistics&qs=n&form=QBIR&pq=first+nation+histor
  • World War I

    World War I
    imageWorld War one or WWI was a war between the Austro-Hungary empire and it's allies veruses Siberia and it's allies. This was because the Archduke of the Arstro-Hungary empire was assassinated.
    This impacted globalization because it cut trade routes and immergration routes. It also casued relvoltultions in many countries. The most major trade route that was cut was Germanies. Basicly they weren't allowed to trade with most of the world.
  • Land Claims

    Land Claims
    During the second half of the 1900`s First Nations peoples begain to organize to put pressure on the government about treaties that were never signed or were not fulfilled properly. Treaties were never signed in the Yukon, the Northwest Territories, British Coloumbia, or in Qubece.
    The creation of Nunavut in 2007 was important because it reconized that there were people living in the northern parts of Canada. It also showed that the government cared about what First Nattions peoples were saying.
  • The Legacies Of Mercantilism

    The Legacies Of Mercantilism
    imageMercantilism is when a country takes most of the raw materials from a colony and move them back to the country where they are made into products and sold back to the colony.
    This was an example of globalization because it was a form of trade. It also helped Canada become more important which would help Canada become a country.