High School to College

  • 11th Grade

    Pass with a GPA of a 3.5, and start applying for colleges. Also get a job, and a car.
  • 10th Grade

    Pass with at least 3.0 GPA

    Get a 1500 on SAT, and a 36 on the ACT
  • Senior Year

    Have early dismissal, pass with a 3.5 GPA. Get accepted in a college away from Florence.
  • First Day of College

    Live on campus and start my classes.
  • Freshman Year of College

    Get a job on campus, get a GPA of 3.5 for the fall semester and spring semesters.
  • Sophomore Year

    Keep my grades up and make money
  • Junior Year

    Focus on GRADES and MONEY. Get ready to graduate.

    Graduate with 3.5 GPA, and PARTY!!!!!!( '' )!!!!!( '' )!!!!!!!