
Herbert Hoover31 DJ

  • Fathers birth day

    Fathers birth day
    His father was Jesse Clark Hoover
  • Mothers birthday

    Mothers birthday
    Hulda Randall Hoover
  • Mothers birth place

    Mothers birth place
    She was born in Bargersville Canada
  • Vice president birthday

    Vice president birthday
    His vice president was Charles Curtis
  • He was the first president to be born on the west side of the Mississippi

    He was the first president to be born on the west side of the Mississippi
    Only 4 Other presidents were born there after him
  • Wife's birthday

    Wife's birthday
    Lou Henry Hoover
  • Herbert Hoover's birthday

    Herbert Hoover's birthday
    Herbert Clark Hoover is his full name
  • Herbert Hoover's birth place

    Herbert Hoover's birth place
    West Branch, Iowa
  • When he became a orphan

    When he became a orphan
    Both of his parents died when he was 9 years old.
  • Where he went to collage

    Where he went to collage
    He went to Sandford University for Bachler of arts.
  • When he got married

    When he got married
    His wife is Lou Henry Hoover
  • His second son's birthday

    His second son's birthday
    Allen Hoover was his second son
  • His first son's birthday

    His first son's birthday
    His first son was Herbert Henry Hoover jr. which is the same name as his dad.
  • His second term

    His second term
    He was going to try for reelection but he could not serve another 4 years.
  • How many states he won

    How many states he won
    He won 44 states in all
  • The date Herbert Hoover got elected

    The date Herbert Hoover got elected
    He had 444 electro votes
  • Why he was bad.

    Why he was bad.
    He not good because of his failure and would not complete things.
  • He passed the revenue law

    He passed the revenue law
    The law would help with the great depression
  • President nicknames

    President nicknames
    Bert, The grand old man
  • Bert and the Great Depression

    Bert and the Great Depression
    He was trying to fix it and was loosing Americans money to try and fix it.
  • What happened when he was president

    What happened when he was president
    Dust lung was on of the things that happen and people would die from it and get dust in peoples houses.
  • How he dealt with the great depression

    How he dealt with the great depression
    He made a law for taxing and would other come the great depression.
  • How he helped people

    How he helped people
    He helped millions of people from starving after the two world war by money donations.
  • He had a meteor named after him

    He had his meteor named Bert because that is what a lot of people called him that as a nickname.
  • When he founded his first of his own business

    When he founded his first of his own business
    Zinc Corporation was his first.
  • Lou Henry Hoover death

    Lou Henry Hoover death
    She die from a heart attack
  • First son's death date

    First son's death date
    He died from influenza
  • Herbert Hoover's death

    Herbert Hoover's death
    He died because of internal bleeding
  • Where he died

    Where he died
    He died in New York City
  • His second son's death date

    His second son's death date
    He died from old age