
Hatchet Timeline

  • 1 CE

    Day 1 - Hatchet from Mom

    Day 1 - Hatchet from Mom
    Brian’s mom gave Brian a hatchet.
  • 1 CE

    Day 1 - Plane Crash

    Day 1 - Plane Crash
    The pilot has a heart attack and Brian has to fly the plane. The plane crashed into the lake.
  • 2

    Day 2 - Finding Shelter

    Day 2 - Finding Shelter
    Brian found a shelter and some berries.
  • 3

    Day 3 - First Fire

    Day 3 - First Fire
    Brian made his First Fire with the hatchet.
  • 6

    Day 6 - Making Hunting Tools

    Day  6 - Making  Hunting Tools
    Brian made spear and bow and arrow for hunting.
  • 8

    Day 8 - First Fish

    Day 8 - First Fish
    Brian caught first fish to eat.
  • 10

    Day 10 - First Meat

    Day 10 - First Meat
    Brian killed his first foolbird.
  • 49

    Day 49 - Tornado

    Day 49 - Tornado
    The tornado made the plane’s tail sticking up in the lake.
  • 53

    Day 53 - Survival Pack

    Day 53 - Survival Pack
    Brian found the survival pack and transmitter in the plane.
  • 54

    Day 54 - Being Rescued

    Day 54 - Being Rescued
    Brian was rescued by a fur buyer.