
  • Equality

    The Rights of Man were signed in France and the slaves in the Island of Saint-Domingue wanted equality, but it was denied.
  • Ideas

    Revolutionary movements uprised simultaineuosly. This inspired free blacks and slaves.
  • Jacques Vincent Ogé

    There is a revolt organized by Jacques Vincent Ogé but his army got dispersed by the colonist and officials of Saint-Domingue.
  • Mistreat

    Around 200 years of mistreatment, and bad conditions towards the slaves.
  • Clash between Social Classes

    There was clashing between the plantation owners and the lower white class.
  • Period: to

    Haiti´s Revolution

  • Outbreak

    Slaves organize themselves and start burning the plantations, killing and out driving their masters.
  • Rebelion Spreads

    Thr revolution spreads and it incorporates over 15,000 slaves. They burn most of the plantaitions and crops.
  • Army

    San Martin joined the army of Spain
  • Education

    Bolivar had a high education
  • Wealth

    Bolivar came from a wealthy and impportant family.
  • Expansion

    l’Overture lead his army and conquered the Spaniard colony next to Haiti, Santo Domingo. He expanded Haiti´s territory by this.
  • Freedom

    The be¿iggest change was that the slaves were free and they had equal rights to everyone else.
  • Independance

    Dessalines commanded an army that defeated France´s army and later he declared the island independent and renamed it Haiti.
  • 1st Change

    The island became independent from european powers.
  • Economy

    Haiti went from the most profitable island to an island with extremly poor people and a weak economy. This is because during the revolution they burned all the plantations.
  • Met Napoleon Bonaparte

    He met Bonaparte
  • Appointed general

    Bolivar was appointed general of Venezuela.
  • Venezuela

    Bolivar came back from europe and found Venezuela in a war.
  • Upper Class

    Creoles wanted to be un top of the Peninsulares.
  • Returned

    San Martin finds out about the revolution in Argentina and returns
  • Movements

    Bolivar sparked movements in places like Peru, Bogota, Bolivia, Colombia, and Ecuador.
  • Loyal

    San Marin was a loyal officer of the Spanish crown.
  • Argentina

    San Martin greanted independance to Argentina
  • Leadership

    Given leadereship over the militia of Chile.
  • Chile

    San Martin grants independace to Chile 1817
  • Decline

    Offered leadermentship over Chile but declines.
  • Weakness

    The now freed new countries had poor armies and were vulnerable to attacks and invasions
  • Knightof the Andes

    Declared Knight of the Andes by the argentinan people
  • Meeting

    San Maritn and Bolivar meet, Simon wanted a democracy but Simon said the people weren´t ready yet.
  • Relied

    The economies were in shambles and they relied on the US to trade.
  • Peru

    Gives independance to Peru, 1821
  • Gave Up

    San Martin gives leadership to Bolivar of Peru, Argentina, and CHile.
  • President

    Was appointed president oof Peru
  • Dictator

    Bolivaar proclamied himself dictator of Peru for temporary measure.
  • President

    Bolivar was procliamed president of the New Colombia
  • Libarator

    Bolivar was given the nicname of Liberator
  • Naming

    Bolivar has plenty places named after him.
  • Currencies

    Bolivar has two currencies after his name.
  • Death

    Bolivar dies.
  • Bolivar

    Bolivar is rermmebered as the George Washigton of South America.