Carlos ii hechizado c 0


  • 1519

    Carlos l

    Carlos l
    Carlos l was born in September 21 1500, in 21 of September of 1558 was started to reign with his mother, Carlos reign from1516 to 1556, In addition, he was emperor of the Holy Roman Empire from 1519 to 1558.
  • 1556

    Felipe ll

    Felipe ll
    Felipe ll of Spain "the prudent", was king of Spain, Sicilia and Cerdeña from 1556 to 1589. Belonging to the Los Austrias dynasty, the monarch was born in Valladolid on May 21, 1527 and died in San Lorenzo de El Escorial on September 13, 1598.
  • Felipe lll

    Felipe lll
    Felipe lll was born in april 14 of 1578 in Madrid, Felipe III of Spain, called the Pious, was King of Spain and Portugal from September 13, 1598 until his death.
  • Felipe v

    Felipe v
    Philip V reign lasted 46 years, from 1700 to 1746.
    During his reign the palace of Aranjuez was expanded and notably reformed. His reign coincided with the introduction in Spain of the Rococo style. Felipe V was also the founder of such prestigious cultural organizations as the Royal Spanish Academy and the Royal Academy of History, following the French model.
  • Felipe Vll

    Felipe Vll
    He was born in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, on October 14, 1784. He was King of Spain, in the period between March and May 1808. Listed as the Desired or the Felon King. However, after defenestrating José I Bonaparte, he returned to take power from December 1813 until the end of his days.
  • Alfonso Xll

    Alfonso Xll
    Nació el 28 de noviembre de 1857 en Madrid. Hijo de la reina Isabel II y del rey consorte Francisco de Asís. Fue desterrado a Francia cuando contaba 11 años al ser destronada su madre por la Revolución de 1868. Cursó estudios en París, Viena y en la Academia Militar de Sandhurst. Alfonso XII of Spain, nicknamed the Peacemaker, was King of Spain between 1874 and 1885.