Google creator

By 366052
  • Larry Page Birth

    Larry Page Birth
    On March 26th,1973 Larry Page (the creator of google) was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  • Sergery Brin Birth

    Sergery Brin Birth
    Sergery Brin was born on August 21, 1973 in Moscow, Russia
  • University for Sergey

    University for Sergey
    Sergey Brin attended the University of Maryland, College Park to study computer science and mathematics and received his Bachelor of Science degree in May 1993 with honors
  • University for Larry

    University for Larry
    Larry Page attended the University of Michigan to study computer engineering and received his Bachelor of Science degree with honors.
  • Larry and Sergey meet

    Larry and Sergey meet
    In 1995, Sergey Brin and Larry Page meet at Stamford University in Palo Alto, California, to study for their Phd's.
  • Google Search Engine

    Google Search Engine
    In 1996 Larry Page and Sergey Brin collaborate on their 'BackRub' search engine using back links in their search engine design.Larry Page and Sergey Brin produce a paper, "Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine," became the basis for the Google search engine.They called the search engine Google after the mathematical term "Googol,"
  • Project time

    In March 1996, Sergey Brin and Larry Page begin a research project working on the Stanford Digital Library Project (SDLP). The aim of the project was to develop the enabling technologies for a single, integrated and universal digital library.
  • First version of goolge is released

    First version of goolge is released
    The first version of Google is released on the Stanford Web. The address:
  • Google got its name

    Google got its name
    In 1997 was registered as a domain name .
  • Attempt to sell Goolge goes wrong

    Attempt to sell Goolge goes wrong
    Larry Page and Sergey Brin try to sell Google through the venture capital firm of Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (KPCB). They are unsuccessful, nobody was interested in buying their serach engine and they gave up the idea of selling Google.
  • Company gets started thanks to Andy

    Company gets started thanks to Andy
    Andy Bechtolsheim, a founder of Sun Microsystems, watched the demo for Google (which was getting more than 10,000 queries per day) and wrote a $100,000 check to get the company started.
  • Google becomes official "don't be evil"

    Google becomes official "don't be evil"
    Google became an official corporation. The company's mission statement was "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful" and the company's unofficial slogan was "Don't be evil"
  • First office opens

    First office opens
    Google opened its first office in Palo Alto and later moved to Bayshore Drive in nearby Mountain View
  • google recieves additional ventures

    google recieves additional ventures
    Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, in partnership with Sequoia Capital, provide Google with additional venture capital of $25 million.
  • Concentration of company

    Concentration of company
    Sergey Brin and Larry Page drop out of the Stanford graduate studies program to concentrate on their company
  • foreign languages released

    foreign languages released
    Foreign language Versions of were released in French, German, Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Norwegian, Danish, Chinese, Japanese and Korean
  • new team member added to google

    new team member added to google
    Eric Schmidt joined Google as its first chairman and later became its chief executive officer. Larry Page became president of products and Sergey Brin became president of technology
  • New service is launched

    New service is launched
    Google News service is launched in 2002
  • moving day

    moving day
    Google moved to its new Mountain View campus which was nicknamed Googleplex.
  • Prize time!

    Prize time!
    Sergey Brin and Larry Page were honored with the Marconi Prize
  • second stock offer

    second stock offer
    During the year of 2005, Google raised $4.2 billion through its second stock offering
  • New releases

    New releases
    During the year 2005, Google Maps, Google Earth, and iGoogle were released
  • Youtube is purchased

    Youtube is purchased
    In 2006, Google ends up purchasing youtube
  • Just Married

    Just Married
    Sergey Brin and Anne Wojcicki were married in the Bahamas and Larry Page and Lucinda Southworth were married on Necker Island in the Caribbean.
  • Gmail becomes public

    Gmail becomes public
    Gmail became available to the general public on February 7th, 2007.
  • New launches

    New launches
    Google Health became available. Google launched Chrome, its first Web browser . September 2008: T-Mobile released the G1, the first Android-based phone.
  • Larry and Sergey annnounced most powerful people

    Larry and Sergey annnounced most powerful people
    November 2009 - Forbes magazine decided Sergey Brin and Larry Page were the fifth most powerful people in the world
  • Nexus 1 released

    Nexus 1 released
    January 5, 2010, Google released an Android phone under its own company name called the Nexus One
  • New positions

    New positions
    Co-founder Larry Page takes over the role of CEO in April 2011. Eric Schmidt becomes Executive Chairman.
  • Success Continues

    Success Continues
    Still today, Larry Page and Sergey Brin have created a VERY successful tool that is beneficial in many ways to everybody and will continue to be for a very long time. Goolge continues to be a hige success.