
God Given Rights timeline

  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    lessy was 1/8 black and 7/8 white and he to a seat in a white only car and was arrested.This court case made it legal for segregation to be allowed. Its usally known for the start of being "seprate but equal"
  • Period: to

    God given rights timeline

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    brown v Board
    t began withthis young girl and her parents sueing the school/government because she wasn't allowed to go to a white school. This court case ended legal segregation in school throught out the entire nation. It set a major and new change in how schools would be treated and brought up.
  • Murder of Emmet Till

    Murder of Emmet Till
    emmet tillEmet Till was a 14 yr old black boy who was tortured and murdered by 2 white men. In the court case the white men were let go and not charged with anything. His dealth was highly publicized and was seen in many places which lead to more people supporting the end of segreation.
  • Rosa Parks & the montgomery Bus Boycott

    Rosa Parks & the montgomery Bus Boycott
    Rosa parks
    Rosa Parks was a black women who refused to give up her seat in a public bus. When she refused she was arrested and it lead to the Bus Boycott. However a yr later the supreme court removed segregation on public buses.
  • Founding of Southern Christan Leadership Conference (SCLC) & Martin Luther King

    conference & MLK
    This conference was started by MLK to have meetings aboout the civil rights movement.MLK was the first president/leader of this organization. Some of the event s they created was the Mongotgovermy Bus Boycottand the Freedom Rides.
  • Little Rock Nine & Central High School

    little rock nine
    This event was about 9 black students wanting to attend a white high school.The school didnt let them in and protestors were having. So, the president had sent troops to the school and force the school and mayor to let the students in. this was a major event because it shows the govenment protecting and standing up towards segregation.
  • Greensboro Sit-In

    Greensboro Sit-In
    sit int
    These were a series of protests that were basically about sitting in different establishments. For example,like Black people sitting in the white section of a diner waiting to be served and refusing to leave till they do. Even though most of them were arrested it lead to a faser impact and change.
  • Freedom RIde/Freedom RIders

    Freedom rides
    Freedom rides were a ways tp protest and their main goal was to end segregation in public transportation stations like buses. They didn't use violence because it would give a negative message. After the the protesting, the ICC( Interstate Commerce Commission) desegregated their transportation centers.
  • March on Washington

    march on washington
    The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom took place in Washington. It is known as the largest protest in civil rights history. Thisevent is known for leading to the creation of the Civil RIghts Act in 1964.
  • Civil Rights Act 1964

    civil rights
    Southern Democrates were againt the bill so President Lyndon B Johnson went to congress. Later then the Civil RIghts Act was passed under President Johnson in 1964. After this act was made it created at major change to the civil right movement finally ending discrimination in the US.
  • Student nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) & Freedom Summer

    Freedom SUmmer was a campagin tp have blacks vote. The SNCC helped African americans vote by creating a politcal party. Freeom Summer is what this was called.
  • Assassination of Malcolm X

    deth of malcom x
    Malcolm X was killed by black muslims in new york city. He was killed while he was making his speech to his own organization. Even though he died there was still people who took his place and still fought for what he believed in.
  • Voting Rights Act

    voting rights act
    This act prohibited racial discimination in voting anywhere in the United States.This act helped african americans and latinos vote without any trouble. This act was a lifetime change for the way voting was going to be in the future.
  • Assassination of MLK

    MLK death
    LK was murdered in a motel by James Earl Ray. He was found guilty and was thrown in jail for 99 years. Even though MLK was killed what he fought for still thrived and created an amazing legancy and we will always remeber him.