Goal Setting/Graduating

  • S

    I plan on graduating
  • M

    I want to graduate on June 8th 2018
  • A

    I plan on studying each night for my exams and SAT/ACT and doing my homework each night
  • R

    The opportunity cost will be not going out with my friends as much and staying more focused on my GPA.
  • T

    I will graduate by being more studious and more active on my grades
  • My plan

    I plan to graduate on June 8th and go off to college in the fall semester by studying harder each night and doing my homework. By November 12th I will have all A's. By January 10th, I will pass my exams. Each night I will study for my SAT/ACT that i will take by February 23rd. On April 5th, I will have applied for five different colleges. On June 8th I will graduate and be off to college