Ghosts of Gettysburg and Other Hauntings of the East

  • Colonial Williamsburg

    Owner Peyton Randolph House Employees see ghosts of women, men and children in colonial clothes
    They disappeared when the visitor saw it. Also Living Women (1900s) reported strange events footsteps and tennage girl
  • Westminster’s Burying (Baltimore, Maryland)

    Poe buried there in 1849, people say he come back to haunt them.
    According to the legend: Poe´s ghost has been seen near his burial site.
    Visitors see a children playing and a mysterious man in a gray.
    (indefinite date)
  • Period: to

    The White House

    Wife of Abraham Lincon (Mary Todd Lincon)
    I saw his son's gost every night and he would smile at him Some visitors who see the ghost of British soldiers carrying a torch try to set fire (Soldiers of 1812)
    Other people seen old presidents
  • Gettysburg Battle

    During the Civil war (1861-1865) 50,000 soldiers dies over three days
    Gettysburg long history of reported hauntings
    1st one happened during the Battle itself in 1863,
    No one want to go there because appeared a man riding a horse and wearing a tri-cornered hat
    Soldiers say the figure had the face of George Washington
  • Period: to

    Danvers State Hospital

    It was built in 1870, it was built for 600 patients but in 1945 it housed 2360 people
    Jeralyn administrator's daughter grow up on the property,
    She remembers footsteps in their house, light flickering, doors open and close and He also saw a woman in the attic
    (Indefinite date)
  • Convernor Sprague Mansion Museum

    Modest home built in Cranston, Rhode Island un late 1700s. It takes from Colonel Amasa who in the 1800 turned the house into an elegant mansion
    In 1843 Jhon Gordon was found guilty and was executed, however Gordon was not guilty
    People think Gordon haunts Mansion
    Visitors heard footsteps and voices, seen ghosts, and felt pockets of cold air in the house
    Someone people seen a women in black through a window
    Felt touches
    The lasted 2 groups said they received strange Ouija messages
  • Omni Parker House

    They have reported strange events for more than 70 years
    Guests heard the rocking chair break, but the hotel does not have a rocking chair.
    Security saw a figure in the shadow with the top hat when he called the staff only saw
    10th floor see floating orbs (hallway) It opened in 1885 and is the most reported ghost hotel
  • U.S.S. Constellation

    Was the fist ship built by the U.S Navy, launched in 1797.
    In 1955 start occurring the same year it was taken out of service; two ghost, a sailor, and a captain. Has been seen roaming the decks
    (Captain Thomas and sailor Neil Harvey)
    Other visitor see light and hear unexplained noises
  • Seguin Isalnd Lighthouse

    In the mid 1800s, a lighthouse keeper liven in Seguin island with his wife, so that his wife would not get bored during the winter, he bought a piano, but he only brought one track so he played it for hours. He then killed his wife and himself, one hundred year later.
    Some visitors saw doors slam and furniture move on this own, hear the sound of the piano playing a distance.
  • Lizzie Borden Hosue

    1892 Andrew and Abby Borden's body is discovered, their daughter is accused of killing them (Lizzie Borden)
    Museum since 1996, visitors see flashing lights and hear inexplicable cries, others have seen shoes that move across the floor without touching them
  • Gettysburg Battle

    Battle site is an a national park, many visitors had ghostly encounters, someone see headless soldier riding a horse, others have heard unseen baby’s crying and mysterious footsteps.