German Expansion

  • secret meeting

    Hitler met secretly with military advisers to take over Austria to Czechoslovakia
  • Period: to

    German Expansion

  • Taking over Austria

    German troops marched into Austria unopposed while the rest of the world did nothing
  • Munich agreement

    signed Munich Agreement which turned over Sudetenland over to Germany. Signed by French prime minister Daladier and British Prime minister Chamberlain
  • Taking over Czechoslovakia

    Czechoslovakia was taken over
  • non aggression act

    signed by Stalin and Hitler as tension rise over Poland
  • Blizkrieg on Poland

    German air force roared over Poland dropping bombs
  • The Battle of Britain

    Germany amassed a naval fleet on French shores to attack Britain.
    At the same time planes bombarded British cities and vice versa.
  • "Protecting" Denmark and Norway

    Landed a surprise in invasion on Denmark and Norway
  • The Fall of France

    France and Germany went to war with each other. A few days later Italy joined on the side of Germany. Germany offered France the chance to surrender and they took it.
  • Hitler calls off the Attack

    After the entire summer Hitler called of the fight for Britain indefinitely, however German planes continued to bomb Britain.