Georgia Hostory

  • Jan 1, 1539


    the 3gs
    hernando de soto
  • Jan 1, 1540

    hernando de soto

    hernando de soto
    Hernando de Soto, the Spanish explorer, first traveled parts of Georgia in 1540. British claims later conflicted with those of Spain
  • Jan 1, 1562


    after the faluir of spanish missionse,france begingn to explore georgia as well
    many protestents from france came to georgia and south carolina
    many protest from
    protestants are christians that broke off from the chatolic church to form new churches like baptist methodists and angicans.
  • Jan 1, 1568

    spainish missions

    spainish missions
    after de soto death in 1542 both spin and france started exploring what is know georgia
    both countries tried to esablish colonies there but failed however spain did succesfuly established missions from 1568-1684
    missions where chatolic churches that were set up to convert the native americans to christianity so they could become part of the spainish economy as well.
  • tomochici

    Tomochichi was a seventeenth-century Creek leader and the head chief of a Yamacraw town on the site of present-day Savannah, Georgia. He gave his land to James Oglethorpe to build the city of Savannah.
  • malacantents

    The Malacantents- Colonists that paid their own way intoorgia and were unhappy with the laws banning slavery and liquor placed by the trustees and oglethorpe . Because of the malacants complaints the ban on the slavery and liquor was lifted forever changing Georgia history.
  • worthy poor

    worthy poor
    they came to england because they wher poor so england gave the mony to start a new life in georgia thay couldent drink liquir but they could drink beer
  • james oglethorpe

    james oglethorpe
    As visionary,
    James Oglethorpe, the founder of Georgia, was a forward-thinking visionary who demonstrated great skill as a social reformer and military leader. This portrait is a copy of Oglethorpe University's oval portrait of Oglethorpe, which was painted in 1744. The portrait was discovered in England by Thornwell Jacobs and brought back to Atlanta to hang in the president's office at Oglethorpe University.
    James Oglethorpe
    social reformer, and military leader, James Oglethorpe conceived of
  • colony of georgia

    colony of georgia
    was never successful. The character of 1732 started the purpose of the colony was for the colony was for the 3 reasons charity economy and defense however, Georgia was only really successful as a defensive "buffer' between south Carolina and Florida. England was for charity economy and defense .
    Charity- Georgia was a colony for worth poor. This meant that since England gave these poor citizens land in the colony, they could not drink (hard liquor) or own slaves. Because of En
  • mary musgrove

    mary musgrove
    Mary Musgrove was a colonial American interpreter and negotiator of mixed Yamacraw and English ancestry
  • england

    setting up many succesful colonies in north america like virgina maryland &north carolina 13 colonies creadted goal of england mercantillism country wanted to make money by exporting & importing goods
  • salzburgers

    The Salzburgers- German Protestants that came to Georgia to escape PERSECUTION. They were very successful. They were the first to build an orphanage were openly against slavery , built the first Sunday school and were the only group to have successful silk forms.
  • The highland Scots

    The highland Scots
    The highland Scots- A group of Scottish people. they were asked to come to georgia because, they were invited. They were the best fighters.
  • city of savannah

    city of savannah
    is the oldest city in the us state of georgia and is the county seat of chatham country established is 1733 the city of savannah became the brittish colinaial captial of the province to georgia and later the first state capital of georgia
  • john reynolds

    john reynolds
    John Reynolds was an officer of the Royal Navy. He served for a period as the royal governor of the Province of Georgia from 1754-1757. At the end of a long life of service, he became admiral shortly before his death
  • henry ellis

    henry ellis
    Henry Ellis was an explorer, author, and a colonial governor of U.S. state of Georgia and Nova Scotia. Ellis was born in County Monaghan, Ireland. He was educated in law at the Temple Church in London
  • james right

    james right
    James Wright was the third and last royal governor of Georgia, serving from 1760 to 1782,
    James Wright replaced Henry Ellis as royal governor of Georgia in 1760 and proved to be an efficient and popular administrator. During his tenure in office (1760-76) Georgia enjoyed a period of remarkable growth.
    James Wright
    with a brief interruption early in the American Revolution (1775-83). Almost alone among colonial governors, Wright was a pop
  • missisipian indians

    missisipian indians
    the missipians depend on farming and they also ate large animals well. ther not nomadic.they invinted the bow -arrow,they groved ax poetry,fishing nets,atlall, and clovis.there seleter where mound tows waht they made with their own hands.