Generation 2000-2010

  • Apple iPod

    Created by: Steve Jobs and Tony Fadell The original iPod was a MP3 player to store a total of 1,000 songs, and have a 10 for battery.
  • Ultra Thin Notebooks. Envy 133

    Created by: Unknown Was a thinner version of the current laptop to save space.
  • Nintendo DS

    Created by: Satoru Okada The Nintendo DS was a hand held gaming device. It was quick to rise to fame and was a must have around the world.
  • Wii

    Created by: Shigeru Miyamoto and Genyo Takeda The Wii was an at home gaming console created by Nintendo.
  • Google Chrome

    Created By: Sundar Pichai Was created as a standalone browser for computers. Quick rose to be favorited by many.