Gandhi Timeline

  • Gandhi's Train Ticket

    Gandhi was returning to south afica and was thrown off the train, cause of racism.
  • Tolstoy Farm

    Tolstoy Farm
    Gandhi develops a Tolstoy Farm and uses it for plans.
  • Great March

    Great March
    Gandhi does a great march through south africa
  • Hero Return

    Gandhi was returing to India to meet his people, but he made a non violent system for the people to follow
  • Sabarmati Ashram

    Sabarmati Ashram
    Gandhi develops a Sabarmati Ashram
  • Prison for Gandhi

    Gandhi was charged with boycott and was sevre two years in prison of a 6 year prison sentence.
  • Get out of Jail

    Gandhi has been is now out of jail.
  • Dominion Status

    Campaign for the wanting to take complete control over india.
  • Tricolor of India flag

    Tricolor of India flag
    Gandhi wanted tricolor for the India flag cause of dimion status
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Gandhi publishes the Declaration of Independence for India.
  • Salt March

    Gandhi did not like the salt tax, so he took his people to the ocean to protest aganist British rule.
  • Gandhi makes salt

    Gandhi makes salt
    Gandhi has just arrived at the ocean and then makes salt.
  • Viceroy of India

    Viceroy of India
    Lord Irwin signs the Gandhi-Irwin pact.
  • Arrested again

    Gandhi was arrested for violating the law for making salt.
  • Round Table

    Round Table
    Gandhi attends a round table in Great Britian
  • Gandhi Returns

    Gandhi Returns
    Gandhi returns from Europe to his people.
  • Gandhi trying to be Killed

    Gandhi was traveling in a a car about to deliever a speech, but there were two car and they got seperated between a train. When the first car got there a bomb thrown at it injurying many people, but Ganhi was in the second car.
  • Fast-Unto-Death

    Gandhi annouces the fast unto death to help with other parts of India
  • Cripps' mission

    Cripps' mission
    As Gandhiis returning to India he meets a India leader and Gandhi is given a mission.
  • Quit India Movement

    Gandhi was planning for the people of India to help fight for the British. Then he thought British would leave them alone, but the British found out and he was arrested.
  • Kasturba Gandi dies

    Kasturba Gandi dies
    Kasturba Gandhi dies at age 74
  • Trying to kill Gandhi again

    Godse was at a speech with Gandhi and he decliend and ran at Ganhi with a knife, but was over powered by Gandhi's followers.
  • Pakistan

    Great Britian has let Pakistan a Independent country.
  • Delhi

    Gandhi annouces a fast to end voilence to Delhi.
  • Gandhi dies

    Gandhi dies
    Gandhi is assassinated by Nathuram Godse.