Future of the world v.2

  • Over population

    Another big problem of the world is the overpopulation because if there is too much population there is a need to produce more but the earth naturally hasn’t that capacity to regenerate fast so the human being start to use the bionic technology to manage to have food for all the world but that is still failing because as you can see there a lot of people without food for example in Africa.
  • Deforestation

    One of the countries that are part of UN and of the Paris agreement is highly breaking it, Brazil is chopping down a quarter of Amazonia and where more than 400 species of plants and animals, and Amazonia are is the biggest oxygen production. Deforestation simply means clearing of green cover and makes that land available for residential, industrial or commercial purpose. This is just one little problem that is going on.
  • Industry

    The industry is a big sector of the community and its one of the biggest environmental issues because for example America is the biggest gases producer what forms in atmosphere the called “greenhouse gases” that block the solar radiation from get out of the atmosphere so the world started to heat up. The only way to stop shut down the industry.
  • Period: to


    The world is falling into a really big problem that we can’t solve unless we shut down everything: industry and all the type of activity that can damage the atmosphere. If we continue to act like this we are going to have no future.