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Frida Kahlo

  • Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Calderón

    Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Calderón
    Birth: July 6, 1907 Coyoacán, Mexico City
  • first disease

    first disease
    Frida contracts polio. Her father encourages her to practice several sports and to recover the strength of her body.
    She recovers, however, her right leg is very thin, affected by the disease.
  • first romance

    first romance
    Frida starts a romance with a classmate, Alejandro Gómez Arias.
  • Accident

    at the age of 18 she suffered an accident that forced her to a long convalescence during which she learned to paint Frida suffered up to 32 surgical operations.
  • separation from Alejandro

    Frida joins the communist league. Alejandro moves to Berlin and Frida writes him many love letters.
  • marriage

    In 1929 he married the muralist Diego Rivera.
  • abortion

    suffered an abortion that affected her sensitive senses in the deepest and inspired her two of her most valued works
  • Frida and Diego

    Frida and Diego
    Frida and Diego move to Philadelphia, then to Detroit, Michigan. There Frida suffers a loss of another pregnancy and passes
    thirteen days at the Henry Ford Hospital. Frida receives a telegram announcing that her mother is dying. Desperate,
    back to Mexico. His mother dies on September 15.
  • achievements

    Diego receives a commission to make a mural at Rockefeller Center and the couple flies to New York. Diego includes
    a portrait of Lenin on the mural and his contract is rescinded. They return to Mexico, on their return, Frida and Diego decide the
    construction of his new house in San Ángel, whose design is of two separate residences for each one and joined by a
  • operation and infidelities

    operation and infidelities
    Frida returns to the hospital, this time for an operation on her foot where, several fingers are removed. For the third time,
    Another pregnancy is interrupted. Diego and Frida separate after he has an affair with Frida's sister,
  • infidelity of frida

    Frida suffered a third operation on her right foot. Frida and Diego help to fix the political asylum of the Russian communist
    Leon Trotsky and his wife, Natalia. They also help raise funds for the Republican struggle against the forces of
    Franco, in the Spanish Civil War. Diego joins the International Communist Trotskyist League. In the face of infidelities
    From Diego, she starts having sex with other men and women.
  • arrival of trotsky

    arrival of trotsky
    Leon Trotsky and his wife, Natalia, move to The Blue House. Frida and Diego take precautions to protect their
    political guest Frida has an affair with Trotsky.
  • 1940

    there was a frustrated assassination attempt against Trotsky by a group of Stalinists. Trotsky and his wife left the Blue House. Diego Rivera, wanted to be interrogated, hid himself, then went to San Francisco
  • 1942

    Frida participated in the "Mexican Culture Seminar"
  • works

    Frida's works are included in the "Exhibition by 31 women", in the Gallery of Peggy Guggenheim "Art of this century" in New York.
  • physical state of frida

    Frida's physical decline was more acute in the following years. He suffered spinal punctures, confinement in a series of corsets and several radical operations on his back and leg in the following decade.
  • Last year

    Kahlo was hospitalized for nine months due to recurrent problems of the spine. He suffered seven operations on his spine during that period. His hospitalization was due in part to the serious infection of bone implants. He spent most of the year in the hospital, many nights Rivera slept in the room next to his. When Kahlo was well enough, she took the opportunity to paint.
  • Frida Dies

    On July 13, seriously ill with pneumonia, Frida passed away in the Blue House. The cause of his death was officially "pulmonary embolism". It is suspected that it could have been suicide, but it could never be confirmed. The last entry in his diary reads: "I look forward to the departure and I hope never to return" - Frida.