French revolution

  • Bread Protest

    In October a group of angry women took action by marching through the streets of France and trespassing into nobles’ homes and destroying important fuel papers and sometimes even burning their homes, but since nothing was changing they decided to go to Versailles where the monarchs were and attacked the palace with pitchforks and other farm material and ordered the king to move back to Paris.
  • Period: to

    French revolution

    This was a time period where there was a big difference in each of the social classes in France and the economy wasn't great, because king Louis the 16th didn't have much financial intelligence and had a tone of debt, because of his involvement in the American Revolution and his wife's spendings on gowns, jewelry, sugar and gambling.
  • Call of the Estate General

    King Louis the sixteenth calls a meeting called the Estate General, which is an assembly of representatives from all three estate who have come together to approve the new tax.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    After the third estate has been removed from the Estate General, because of their advanced thinking from the Enlightenment they don’t take no for an answer and decide to break into an empty indoor tennis court and vote for a representative government instead of a absolute monarchy.
  • The Storming of the Basilica

    Because of France’s government at that time a group of Parisians revolutionaries this was called “the mob” decides to really protest by gathering all the weapons and gunpowder they could find and storm into the Basilica which was a prison at that time, they kill the guards and generals and parade around the cities of Paris patriotically.
  • France at War

    The Peasants decided to go to war against the monarchs so the mob stormed into their place and they destroyed everything and even killed the guards and managed to imprison the monarchs and their children. in September monarchy was finally abolished and France became a republic.
  • War Continues

    Austria and Persia kept fighting Britain and Spain as well, so Jacobin made 800000 men older tan 18 join the french army.
  • Robespierre Assumes Control

    Robespierre started to gain more and more power and wanted to change France so he made up a different calender.
  • King’s death

    The National Convention declared kIng Louis the sixteenth guilty only by one vote and he was decapitated on a guillotin.
  • Napoleon Comes into Battle

    In October, Napoleon Bonaparte was a great military leader and he was given the chance to show off. He was asked to defend the delegates and he did so in just a few minutes with the cannons that the national convention had given him. He was known as the hero who saved the French Republic and all the citizens hailed to him through the street of Paris.
  • Coup D’État

    The government had the force of the French people and they wanted Napoleon to be their leader after they heard of most of his victories in Austria, Italy and the kingdom of Sardinia. He took leadership by surrounded the legisture and drove out most members in November.