Francisco Zavaleta - 2.2 Revised Top 10 Moments

  • Approval of the Birth Control Pill

    It started a revolution. Women could pursue higher education without having to deal with unplanned pregnancy.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    The point at which nuclear war almost happened, it made the nation live in fear.
  • Assassination of JFK

    JFK was a young and almost perfect president for the 1960's. It shocked the country when he was killed.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil rights leader started using peaceful methods. The act was then signed which eliminated segregation and biased voting requirements.
  • The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    It allowed American participation in the war in Vietnam, it divided America because they did not want to participate.
  • Assassination of MLK and Malcolm X

    The assassination led left the civil rights movement without a leader. It took a while for the movement to start up again.
  • Assassination of MLK and Malcolm X

    The assassination led left the civil rights movement without a leader. It took a while for the movement to start up again.
  • Tet Offensive

    Vietnam soldier attacked there own capital. This lowered troop moral and the soldiers were disgusted.
  • Democratic National Convention

    Anti-War people rushed to Chicago to protest. There was a lot of violence.
  • Apollo 11

    It was a great victory in the space race for the U.S. The future of the country was brighter.
  • WoodStock

    A musical event that promoted freedom, love and free drug use. This event was three days and was not disrupted by the government.